Tuesday, 30 December 2008
I'm not surprised! LOL!
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Tavish's Parcels are Opened!
Monday, 15 December 2008
Love of Letters Stationery Swap
This is waht she sent me - 5 hand made notelets, a ball of purple hemp yarn, a ball of lilac Terra, a ball of pink Amaizing, Hand made soap, a garden themed two year diary, two pens, a notebook with pen, a pretty notions bag - within is hand made stitch markers, cable needles, stitch holders, point protecters, row counters and binder clips; and three cloth patters (one of which I've been trying to hunt down!).
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Knitterati in the Snow
The journey back was better, plus I was in a convoy of three vehicles.
On the way back, I stopped at a down hill junction. In front of me I could see fields and hedgerows covered with snow. The winter sunshine was bright and casting long shadows. On the radio, Ultravox's 'Vienna'. An absolutely beautiful moment. I was glad I had to stop at the junction, otherwise I'd have missed it.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
The Garden in December
Not a brilliant shot of the Girls. They are doing very well and have been for a good few weeks now. They are getting quite friendly and curious. Guess will feed from your hand. In fact, when we go to feed them, she comes running straight over. I love it when she takes banana and lettuc from me! The others are quite curious when the see Guess feeding. What is now bold enough to come over and has started taking things from me as well. Radar is thinking about it and plucking up courage. Sage is interested but skittish. And Roast, well Roast lives on Planet Roast and appears oblivious!
Monday, 1 December 2008
Christmas has come early in Carpedyem's Home!
At the weekend I recieved gifts from Tavish, my friend in 'Friends That Swap' on Ravelry. In the parcel was three pot holders, crocheted in Christmas red, green and white. They are abolutely wonderful! I am going to put them on display in my kitchen and use them over Christmas. Tavish also sent me a CD with Chistmas songs on - perfect for Chrismas Morning whilst we are prepariong Dinnner. The long socks aren't going to be kept till Christmas - I shall be wearing them before that! They will look good under my denim skirt.
Tavish said the aim of the parcel was to kick start my Chrsitmas and she has definitely done that! Thank you so much for your gifts, your thoughtfulness and your kindness! Oh and your friendship!!
My new Breadmaker was to be put away till Christmas, but the next day, (and no I wasn't sulking completely all of that time.....only some of it!) HobbitKeeper said I could have it as he knew I could make good use of it!
My first loaf turned out rather disasterously, but this is my second loaf - taaaa-daaa!
Yes I am over the moon with it! It tastes wonderful, it's so light and airy and way better than one you could get in a shop. It's a crusty white. I'm planning to do another one this afternoon! Thank you HobbitKeeper!
PS - Why a breadmaker and not properly make my own bread you ask? I have problems kneading bread, in so far as it triggers off my arthritus in my hands.........
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Noro Shawl, my car and parking!
Now this rather mucky little red car with cow print chair covers - which I haven't knitted - is now soleley owned by me! As of last Saturday she was fully paid for, lock stock and barrel! It's taken four years and I've had her since she was 18 months old. She is a brilliant work horse, can fit no end of large and odd shaped things in her. She has safely taken me over 107,000 miles (I wouldn't like to think of how much I've spent on diesel doing that mileage!) So now we can ride into the sunset together! She is the third car I've owned and I think we shall be together for quite some time (all things being willing!)
Sunday, 16 November 2008
A Few of My Favourite Things (UK) Swap
Monday, 10 November 2008
Shawls, cloths and mittens!
I've also made a Grrlfirend Market Bag - and used it! It's quite surprising how far they do stretch. I will make more, as they look good and are well worth the effort. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture, so for now You shall have to take my word for it!
Thursday, 23 October 2008
The Knitting Parlour, Great Malvern
The walk up from the station, was beautiful. The trees were well in to their autumn colour changes and so many leaves on the pavement, made me want to run in them! The smell of the leaves and the clean air was pleaseant and refreshing. The houses and the archetecturial features made you want to stop, stare and admire!
The Knitting Parlour was easy to find (Great Malvern isn't big). We decided to contain our mounting excitement and go for Morning Coffee first. One pot of Earl Grey and a Cinnamon Swirl later, we headed off to The Knitting Parlour.
We spent over two hours in the shop. Lots and lots of oohs and aahs! The shop stocks a wide variety of yarn, and suits most pockets. Colinette, Noro, Rowan, locally dyed yarns, Seacell, german sock yarns, plus Sirdar and a range of baby yarns. Lots of patterns and lots of books. Plus cloth kits - I was sooo tempted, and gorgeous fabric and patterns cloth clothes (as opposed to knitting patterns. And accessories. Buttons, needles, including Lantern Moon, Pony/Prym, and some delightful ones from ?Austrailia with round coloured spotty ends.
After much deliberation, I settled with a Superba Sock yarn - candy pinks, had my name all over it, two balls of Colinette Point 5 Venezia (the colour of which I've re-named Goth Rainbow) and a ball of black Rowan Big Wool, a skein of Artists Palette Yarn - Pop Sox, in purples and sage greens, and jute bag with the shops name on. I was tempted to more, including the new Amy Butler book, Colinette's Toast and Marmalade and a book on Shibori felting. All for next time!
The shop was busy and Vicki (the shop lady), very helpful! So a massive needles up to The Knitting Parlour - highly recommended!
A mention must be given to Lady Foley's Tea Room, on the station. Arriving back at the Railway Station - an old station, everything that appeals to yesteryear romanticsm - we had enough time to have a quick cuppa. We stepped into Lady Foley's Tea Room. It was as if we'd stepped back in time! The ceiling was high, with painted coving, the walls decorated in a pseudo-William Morris paper, an open fire place (which wasn't lit) at the one end. Stunning. I was so expecting a steam train to come chugging into the station. This has happened before, one Sunday in Keighley, many many moons ago.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Another Bag in the Making!
At least it's Monday Morning and that means Stafford Knit Chicks!!
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Apple Cosy
I got some Noro Cash Island as well. I couldn't help it. I got the same colour to do a beanie hat, scark and gloves and a different colourway to do a pair of socks with. Enough to keep me more than busy, as usual.
Today is a day off. Quite a few little jobs to do, pay the Council Tax, do housework, and gather things together for the swap on Ravelry. I've sent off for a couple of items form China, so I hope they get here before the posting on dead line, otherwise it will be apologetic emails!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
An Autumn Sunday Afternoon in the Garden
This is the view down the garden, from where I was sat, although I did stand to take the photo... The garden is starting to look a little bare, now we've had most of the produce. I think all that is still growing is the leeks and parsnips. And the beetroot, but I think that's had it! The fushias are in full bloom and the acer is a gorgeous blood red colour. It quite catches your eye from a distance! Unfortunately you can't really see it in this photo hahaha!
Rhinog and Ted also enjoyed the sunshine, both were flat out for a bit. Rhinog wanted to tell me all about his afternoon, and this is him in the back door, talking to me, in a way that only dogs do, and is sooo cute! And yes I do talk back to him in 'dog' although it's a little difficult to write, dog talk is definitely a spoken language rather than written!
Friday, 10 October 2008
Coming up for breath
I've got my train tickets for my day out on the 22nd, looking forward to that! More about that later though! The day involves going somewhere on the train (knitting time) to visit somewhere that has a knitting shop, having a mooch round the town, then returning by train, knitting again.
I've signed up for two swaps on Ravelry, and thinking about doing a third. The swaps are favourite things, should be fun!
I'm behind on my letter writing, due to work, but am hoping to get at least one, maybe two done this morning, hopefully. And catch up over the weekend.
I was sent a photo from a penpal who lives in New York. It was a view from her appartment, I really like it, sort of makes the world seem not so quite so far away! The photo also shows the Twin Towers of light; the picture was taken on 9/11 this year. A little piece of history.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
The First Socks
They are comfy and quite warm. The yarn is Noro Kureyon sock yarn. The pattern is specifically for the yarn and was a free one from Yarn Market. I landed very lucky with the colour repeats as they are only about a quarter of an inch out!
I'm itching to start another pair - these will be toe up ones. I have to finish a pair of mittens that I started on Wednesday, I'm already half way through the second one. Then I have a bag to do for someone at work and do something hand made for a Swap on Ravelry.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Heel Turning and Lack of Chrimbo Biccies!
I got my first Christmas Biscuit Tin of the year yesterday - and the second today - unfotunately there was only two layers of biccies instead of three, but how do you prove that if you took it back to the shop??!! So yes I don't keep the biccies till Christmas, unless I buy them just prior to Christmas. I don't count September as just before Christmas!
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Carol's 60th Birthday
For some months I have been organising a Friendship Blanket for her. All the squares are made by members of the Knitterati - knitted, gathered and crocheted together (by Linda) in total secrecy. I'm really pleased with the Blanket! It truly reflects everyone's skills and tastes in such a unique way. The theme of the Blanket was 'Carol' - any colour, any stitch that she inspired you. The squares are 9" x 9" and there are 60 in total, one for each of her years. There are a couple of late entry squares and I shall see if I can make a cushion cover with them for Carol.
This is the room where The Knitterati is held, well about two thirds of it. Fabulous!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
The Next Few Days
Today I'm off up town to meet Rachel and Hayley for coffee, this afternoon Sally is coming round for a bit. This evening I need to pack my bags for the weekend and tidy my knitting room so it can double up as a Guest Room.
Tomorrow, it's Carol's 60th Birthday knitterati
Monday is an Interview for the Forensic Bank at St Georges. Tuesday is back to work.
Hopefully a pictorial journey will follow!
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Clapper Board Socks and Extreme Needles
The first sock was completed, but fit HobbitKeeper apart from being abit tight over the arch of the foot. I'd made them for me. Ribbit.
The second take, I decided to do on DPN's. Nothing at all, no nothing at all to do with the fact that that very day I had recieved a set of Knit Picks Harmony DPN's for socks. Let me get that clear, ahem! So happily away I went, in the comapny of HobbitKeeper and a Knitty friend, Sally (who I went to the NEC with). One inch of 2x2 rib later, I realised that I hadn't concentrated when casting on and dividing that amount of stitches. 64 stitches over three needles, does not equate to 30 stitiches on two needles and 34 on the third. Ribbit. Growl.
Now then, these rather large beauties are my Extreme Needles, with a 400g ball of yarn. I put the afore mentioned socks in just so you can get an idea of the size!!
Friday, 12 September 2008
Knitting and Stitching Show, NEC
I did a workshop on Creative Knitting. This was knitting a sample square using two different yarns, ribbon, wire and some beads. It's something I could have done at home, but hey now, I can say I've knitted with wire, beads and ribbon!
I purchased five balls of sock yarn, yes five.... ten balls of Debbie Bliss 'Soho' earmarked for felting, a book about felted bags and a Pair of Extreme Knitting Needles.
These needles are 24mm and are 700mm long. Not for the fainthearted. Today I want to gather yarn to have a play with these needles. At least ten threads of yarn at a time. I at last see a Stash Buster for all those balls of novelty yarns! I purchased them from Rachel John. The rugs and throws she had on display were amazing! So watch this space!
The ladies from Knit'n'Caboodle were vey helpful, approachable and chatty, so a big thumbs up to you!
I came home quite tired, luckily I wasn't driving, but oh my! the M6 and the M42 were, well shall we just say there had been a major accident requiring the air ambulance, so it took about three hours to get 3o odd miles. That's the M6 on a bad day and I hope all involved in the accident are healing.
The Monster bag is Finished!
This is me trying the bag on, yes it was actually of a size that it could have been worn as a dress.....
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Socks and the Monster Bag Grows
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Saturday Night at the Kings Arms
I've had two long days at work (07.30 - 21.15 is long in my books!). This was preceeded by a very sleepless noisy night on Saturday. Saturday evening was lovely. HobbitKeeper and I spent the evening in the garden, had tea out there (dry roasted veg and a cheese escolope, followed by strawberries and cream, yum yum), then went to bed about 10ish ready for a busy week.
Once in bed all we could hear was noise from the pub across the road. It's usually a very quiet pub on a queit street, an 'old mans' pub, where you go for a drink and to talk to people. Well, the noise was made by lots of people stood outside the pub, talking loudlyand bloody singing. Okay I thought, they will calm soon. Wrong. They carried on and carried on and carried on some more. Getting louder. Me getting growlier.
Just after 1AM it all erupted, the inevitable fight and all the noise that ensues. It was the Landlord fighting with someone. Did I mention that I didn't recognise anyone outside the pub ( I looked several times!). The police arrived, not that they appeared to be overly good at quelling the situation or dispersing people. Then an ambulance arrived as someone inside had collapsed.
By 2Am, the student across the road, the other names I have for him are definitely not polite, decided to plug his bass into his amp and start playing it so loud that it drowned the sound of the drunks outside the pub. By this point I was sat on the side of the bed, holding my head, frustrated, tired and nearly in tears, no sleep and with the prospect of getting up in just over three hours.
HobbitKeeper and I got dressed (did I mention that HK was really not in a good mood at all?!) HK went across the road and banged on the students door and shouted 'OI Jimmy Paige, knock it off!' and a few other non-repeatable words. The bass got turned down quiet, but not completely off.
The noise outside the pub started to hush down by half two.
When I came home Sunday Night, the landlord was outside the pub, looking worse for wear, with two women, talking to a third in a car, about the events of the night before and how he'd been wronged. I was ready to explode. Normally its a wave and a 'hello', but I had all on not to go and give him a piece of my mind. I held off. Not worth having a go at someone who's drunk and got an audience. My time will come. And I shall look forward to it.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Square Base Bag
This is the square base
Bags bags bags
UK Swap Parcel has arrived!
So Haven't I been thoroughly spoiled rotten??!! A huge thank you to my Spoiler - Katherine or 'Yarny Mammoth' to me! There was an amazing amount of presents, all individually wrapped. Katherine certainly did her homework on me!
Thursday, 10 July 2008
UK Swap QOTW 3
Is there a TV programme you watch religiously? Not really, I don't regularly watch TV. I don like UKTV Gold and Paramount. I do watch out for the 'Seven Up' Series and have been following this since I was 16.
What TV programme(s) do you avoid like the plague? Reality TV - Big Brother and all such similar diatribe
Is there a TV programme that you find works particularly well for knitting along to? Nothing in particular, but can knit along with the above channels as I don't really have to concentrate on the TV much! I sometimes sit an watch the fishing programmes with Hobbit Keeper on a wet Sunday afternoon, I can do knitting that takes more concentration then!
What was/is your favourite kids TV programme? Erm..... I liked the Magic Roundabout, I like some of the Disney Classics such as 101 Dalmations and the jungle book etc. Bagpuss, Captain Pugwash. Tv was heavily censored when I was a child, to the point where we were only allowed to watch The BBC and not ITV etc. Happy Days. And I don't mean the one with the Fonz! I used to like some of the dramas.
Not overly exciting answers about my TV Viewing!
UK Swap QOTW 4
What is your favourite thing that you have knit? (It might not be your favourite thing to wear but it was the most enjoyable to knit). Most things I enjoy knitting for one reason or the other. I like to try a different technique then adapt it to a few things. I'm into short rows at the moment. I'm doing a rug, I've done a face cloth and plan to do another rug but with some eyelets in or some fancy stitch to enhance it.
What is the worst thing you've ever knit? Golly gosh! The worst, hhmm. Wouldn't noramlly get finished if I didn't like it. I was disappointed with my Baggy Trap bag, but I know where I went wrong and will eventually do another one but better next time as i like the overal shape of the bag.
What are your favourite knitblogs? Don't tend to read knitting blogs. Blogging is a fairly new thing to me and am just getting into the habbit of reading blogs of those I know!
What is the most amazing knitted thing you have seen (This Ravelry thread might help) Ok, I went to this thread, would love to browse it, but, I haven't got the time or patience for my laptop to go through the hassle of 'not responding' every time (honest!) I turn a page..... sorry.... the mystic waters shawl looks amazing though.
What is your favourite knitted item to wear? Post a picture if you can. I havne't made anything to wear as such for a while. I've been doing bags and accessories and scarves and face cloths etc!! I find it difficult to find a pattern of something I like that is in my size. My favourite knitted item I didn't knit, it's a very long lacy/crochet jacket from Monsoon in greens. I don't have a picture of it.....
The Garden In Full Bloom
Virtually at the bottom of the garden - a view from the Pagoda!
Top of the garden, at the end of the patio. Agan the lesser spotted Hobbit Keeper attaching some mesh to the Chicken Run and trying to make it Hobbit-Proof. A few days ago, Hobbit found that it wasn't Hobbit-Proof and needed two steri-strips in her arm. Silly Hobbit.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Monday, 7 July 2008
Mini Purse Swap
My first swap on Ravelry was the Mini Purse Swap. My Upstream Pal, Vantie, (Val) sent me this wonderful parcel. It arrived whilst I was away for the weekend. I'm really chuffed with everything she has sent me! Thank You! The bag is beautiful and I plan to take it to my knitting group this morning to show it off! The other gifts were - Sweet Pea Body spray - that I have on now!, a mini sock block, an absolutely wonderful wooden shawl pin, a pretty notebook, a pink wallet for holding bits and bobs - it just happened to be the same colour as the shoes aiwas wearing when I opened the parcel - two balls of dish cloth cotton (someone was doing there homework on me!!) So as you can see I'm over the moon with it, Thank You very much indeed!!
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Purlescence's Swap
The Pat Pi Bucket Bag
Close up
It is called the Pat Pi Bucket Bag because it was PatVic who whipped up the first one, based on an idea between her and Carol. Pi because the circular increasing for the base is based on Pi, c'mon, y'know, pi=3.14 etc, or is it 2.14??!! All you mathematicians and followers of Elizabeth Zimmerman will know what I'm on about. Honest. Bucket Bag because it's gonna be big, like a bucket! All else will follow!!