At the weekend I recieved gifts from Tavish, my friend in 'Friends That Swap' on Ravelry. In the parcel was three pot holders, crocheted in Christmas red, green and white. They are abolutely wonderful! I am going to put them on display in my kitchen and use them over Christmas. Tavish also sent me a CD with Chistmas songs on - perfect for Chrismas Morning whilst we are prepariong Dinnner. The long socks aren't going to be kept till Christmas - I shall be wearing them before that! They will look good under my denim skirt.
Tavish said the aim of the parcel was to kick start my Chrsitmas and she has definitely done that! Thank you so much for your gifts, your thoughtfulness and your kindness! Oh and your friendship!!
My new Breadmaker was to be put away till Christmas, but the next day, (and no I wasn't sulking completely all of that time.....only some of it!) HobbitKeeper said I could have it as he knew I could make good use of it!
My first loaf turned out rather disasterously, but this is my second loaf - taaaa-daaa!
Yes I am over the moon with it! It tastes wonderful, it's so light and airy and way better than one you could get in a shop. It's a crusty white. I'm planning to do another one this afternoon! Thank you HobbitKeeper!
PS - Why a breadmaker and not properly make my own bread you ask? I have problems kneading bread, in so far as it triggers off my arthritus in my hands.........
I am ready for some of the bread.... covered in soft butter and some orange marmalade....
I'll go put the kettle on then! Can't have that without a good cuppa! The breadmaker also makes jam and marmalade!
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