The Monster Bag is Finished!! Hobbit Keeper thought I was knitting a sleeping bag - indeed it could have been a childs sleeping bag!
This is me trying the bag on, yes it was actually of a size that it could have been worn as a dress.....
HobbitKeeper just looking at the bag in amazement, with a look of, well, how
big is it? Is it
really going to be a bag? Has Hobbit lost the plot even further? How do I praise her for this one?!
TAAA-DAAAAAAAA! One felted Monster Bag!!!!!
The lovely square base of the bag. I shall use this technique again, perhaps with finer yarn and narrower stripes to emphasise the effect.
I love the bag and am chuffed to bits with it!! It had it's Virgin Outing to Knit Chicks on Monday, and yes it can hold at least one kitchen sink, with ease!
That's a great bag! I love the bottom.
HobbitKeeper's response reminds me of when I showed my first big bag to a friend. It hadn't yet been felted and was absolutely enormous but he was polite and said it was pretty (it was). Then I showed it to him after I felted it and he didn't realize it was the same bag. Then he said "I said it was pretty before but I was only being polite. Now it really is nice!" :)
Hey hey hey! Glad you like it! I was going to start another bag, but got told off by Hobbit Keeper, so I made a start with the socks!
Wow! The dress that became a bag, fantastic!! Can I see it in real life please?
I shall take it to Carol's tomorrow and show it off!!
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