Sunday, 27 November 2011

MJ's Teeth, A Giant Pastie And Another Crochet Hat

Mary-Jane loves to have her photo taken, as you know.  As soon as she hears the whirr of the camera coming on, she's there all smiles to have her photo taken.  I tried to take some of her in the kitchen this afternoon, but she heard me with the camera and came toddling over.

She is one happy girl x

 She loves to put her head back and grin.  I love this photo as it shows all her teeth off!  No wonder she had a bad time teething, especially considering they all came through with about two weeks - but she did her best and tried to stay happy throughout.  This picture just makes my heart smile.

I have had thoughts in my head for a few weeks to get my head around making pies.  I knew if I was successful there would be no turning back.  My first attempt was very successful!  I must admit that I cheated with the pastry and used Jus-rol ready made all butter puff pastry.  It did the job.  I couldn't believe how big it came out!
 Just to put things into proportion, I put my mug on the baking tray for you to see!  It's the biggest pastie ever!
 It is a cheese and potato pie.  I used 500g all butter puff pastry, 600g spuds, cut into big chuks and boiled for just under 15 mins, 150g stilton & 150g strong cheddar, two small onions and a pinch of cayenne pepper.  I glazed it with a beaten egg.
 I would quite recommend it.  And it is so versatile, and easy to do.  It will be done again!

I also managed to go Stash Surfing today.  I got out my christmas cottons, ready to start using in a couple of days.  I found the Colinette.  I have two skeins of it, beautiful pinks and black.  It is thicker than what I thought.  It recommends 12mm needles.  I had a quick think - and rummage - as to what else I could use that was a bit chunky and perhaps differed in thickness, so went thick and thin.  Is this slub yarn, I really don't know.
Anyhow, I came across some Debbie Bliss SoHo.  I have had this a while.  I bought it at a show a few years ago at the Birmingham NEC, if memory serves me right.  It is pure wool.  I think I have tried felting with it, but not with the results I wanted.  I started crocheting another hat.  I'm using a 7mm hook.  The ball band recommends 5.5mm needles.  I wanted quite an open texture.  Once is is worn I think it will open out a bit.  I'm using the orignal hat as sizing for the crown and doing it slightly smaller.  What I've done so far has taken no time at all do, and that to a Lazy Knitter is appealing!


Wonky Watt said...

That mug takes me back....all the way to erm, last year!

CarpeDyem said...

The Mug lives on! I hope this mug never breaks - Ian got it me for Mothers Day 2010 when I was pregnant.