Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Getting The Fuchsias Together

Over the last few evenings I have been working hard to get everything ready to create the final composition of my fuchsias.  It didn't take quite as long as what I thought it would, but it took long enough.  I was going to bed with eye strain, not so good.

Here are the Fuchsias and the leaves

The fuchsias and leaves from a different angle.  The are supposed to be dusted and lustered/glazed but I have only the dust colour for the purple inner leaves.  It has been quite fiddly at times.  It is my first sugarcraft project so the nerves were getting to me a bit as well!
Lilly of The Valleys - 27 balls and 18 flowers.  The dark things are fuchsia buds, made freehand.  By the close of Monday, I was quite happy that I had caught up and was ready to put my dispaly together on Tuesday evenings class........


paula said...

Good Lord . . .thoe are a lot of parts for you to use.

CarpeDyem said...

Oh Yes! All fiddly but worth it in the end