I have been to St Bee's Head this afternoon. I met up with M, LA and S. We had Tea and Cake at the Beach Cafe. The views are absolutely stunning from the cafe. No I didn't take my camera, silly me. St Bees is the start of the Coast To Coast Walk. LA and S couldn't stay too long. I had a good chat with S, mainly about education, and the merits of a good education. I didn't get chance to speak to LA much as we were all locked in our conversations. M and I stayed a while longer and talked clothes and knitting.
After we finished in the cafe, we took a walk along the beach. The tide was out. We walked down to the waters edge and I walked long in the water. I had my crocs on - ideal shoe for the moment! I squealed as the water touched my toes and came over the top of my feet. But what a thrill. I must do this much more often. It is good for the soul, it brings peace, calm and equilibrium. M and I agreed to get out and about more, perhaps to go for a picnic or a short walk, weather permitting, next time we get together. I can bring Mary-Jane as well.
M and I discussed psychology, mental health, psycho-therapy, psychosis and the impact of therapy on prisoners. Heavy going. I have not had such a discussion for what seems like a month of Sundays. I really enjoyed it. I could have stayed longer and chatted, but had to get back for Mary-Jane's tea. I now have The Ramones 'Pyschotherapy' going round my head.
I did enjoy my paddle in the sea. It is the Irish Sea if anyone is wondering which sea it is. When I got back to the house, I was sat in our room, then got up bare foot to cross the room for something for MJ, and left three sandy foot prints on the carpet. HK was not amused in the slightest. I had some creeping to do whilst he swept it up.
O-w-w-w-w-w-w cod ocean water. It would have made me wet my pants . . . lolol
It wasn't freezing cold! I was looking out at the deeper shore line, the waves looked tempting to go and jump them. It was a bit too cold for that! But the thought is still in my head and I shall have to do it soon
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