Another busy day is drawing to a close for me. This morning was the Country Market. It was a bit slow, but it does get like this. I came away with two packets of scones and a packet of mince pies. Each packet only had two items in, so that wasn't bad! I ate the two cheese scones when I got in, and HK and Mary-Jane made light work of the mince pies.
This afternoon was our Craft & Natter Beckermet group. I enjoyed this once I had settled down and not jumping up every five minutes or so to do something or take pictures etc. I finished my Cloth for a swap - that can be in the post tomorrow.
Me working on my Lydia Crescent Shawl
This evening was a WI Workshop at Bigrigg. It was informative and it was good to speak with ladies from other WI's. I'm starting to get to know a few other ladies now. I'm also sharing thoughts of getting a teaching pack from CCFWI and putting on a crafting day/event. From this I could see what they put together in a pack and see if I could put one together for myself (which I'm sure I could). It would be a knitting one of course!
And now I'm fit to drop. I was fit to drop at lunchtime, if the truth is known!
Mary-Jane seems no worse for wear for her mis-adventures last night. She has a tiny bruise on her face, the size of one of her finger tips, and very slight red-ness on her cheek, other than that, no bruising or marks. I have missed her today. I don't like it when so many things happen all at once.
Cheese scones? Are they savory?
Out here in the Pacific Northwest, scones are common in coffee shops, and they are generally very good but there can be a wide variation between the recipes. They almost always have fruit or nuts and some sort of glaze (to replace the jam, I guess), and are either cake-like or rather dense and crumbly. My friend Josh likes the cake-like ones. I argue that if the recipe calls for an egg, it's not a scone but a muffin. I guess it really doesn't matter what it's called as long as you like what you get but I still think that anything that is called a scone should not have any eggs. You are the UK baking expert...what do you think?
I'm not sure if there is a UK/US difference between scones. Most recipes are generally the same..... I think this reply deserves a blog entry of it's own!
Ok, I will send you my recipe for scones and you tell me if it sounds correct! :)
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