Saturday, 7 April 2012

The Modern Easter Bucket Bonnet

I have been cracking on a pace with Winter Apple.  I have the drive of  'it's nearly on the home staright'.  It's not really.  I am now on row 40 of the lace and cable section.  Row 49 is the start of the stocking stitch section.  This section is has probably twice as many rows, but the rows get smaller - 6 stitch decrease over 2 rows. 

Mary-Jane has had one of her belated Christmas Presents.  At Christmas she was very overwhelmed by all the new toys she had.  We did give her them over a period of a few days, then held a few back, for when she was a bit older.  Today she had her Aquadoodle mat.  She loved it.  She loved sucking the pen even more.  The pen is completely non-toxic.  You fill it with water and the only thing it marks is the aquadoodle mat.  As an Easter present, we went out today and got her a portable Aquadoodle Travel Drawing Bag, so she can take it out with her.  We also got her a 'Mickey's Piano Party'.  It is a book of songs, with musical scores and a nine key keyboard.  Each key has a small light, that lights up for you to press it to learn to follow and play  one of nine or so songs.  I think she'll love it.

Here is the little lady herself

Having a roll round on the floor.  I think she looks so knowing here, beyond her years, but that's just me!

We got Mary-Jane an Easter Bucket a week or two ago.  She thinks it doubles up as a cool hat.  I have to agree!
It can also be worn at a tilt

The Modern Easter Bucket Bonnet can also be worn by Mommy!  Even though this picture is blurred, the more I look at it, the more I love it


Luneray said...

what great photos! I love that closeup of MJ wearing her Easter basket hat. Such gorgeous eyes!

I've never seen a felt Easter basket before. It's very lovely; much nicer than the plastic ones that are the norm here.

CarpeDyem said...

Thank You! She does have the most gorgeous eyes. The Basket gives me inspiration to do other similar things, whether I got to do them is another thing!