Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Cold Fell Again

I charged my camera up this morning and took it with me when I took HK to sign on at Cleator Moor this afternoon.  After we did the recycling, I said to HK that I would like to go the scenic route back.  I think he was kinda expecting me to say this.  Again I will have to apologise for not knowing the names of all the fells you can see.  There is so much for me to find out and discover.  The first two pictures overlap slightly.

This is further along, but not by too much.

Blakely Rise (Kinniside) Stone Circle.  Not one of the most impressive, granted, but a (reformed)stone circle nonetheless.  I couldn't stay too long as Mary-Jane was getting upset that Momma had stopped the car and had gone walking off.
The stones facing the opposite direction, towards the coast
The view from the other side of the road.  The stones are behind me

I did want to get some panoramic pictures of the coast and Sellafield, but couldn't find a decent spot to pull over, plus there was a car behind me, so I couldn't make any sudden stop, and I didn't want to pull over in a passing place.  I will go back and try again.

I have been busy baking for the Market tomorrow.  I have done my 'new' usual of 15 cheese scones, 15 fruit scones, 8 wholemeal and 12 mince pies.  I also made two 1lb lemon drizzle cakes.  I made them from a recipe for a 2lb cake (well to be baked in a 2lb tin) and divided that inot the two tins.  The result was that the cakes weren't as deep as I would've liked them to be, so I am not taking them with me.  I have tasted them, and they do taste good.  The lemon is sharp.

HK and I were dishing up tea, when we heard Mary-Jane crying on the monitor.  She was crying out for 'Mommy'.  I put my tea in the oven to keep warm and went to see what the matter was.  I walked into our roomfirst, as I always do, and found the adjoining door open.  I always close it.  I felt a tiny bit like I was stepping into a horror film.  I stepped around the door, and saw her cot was empty.  Her bedroom door to the landing was now open, and there was Mary-Jane heading towards the landing door, very distressed.  I scooped her up.  She had blood coming out of her mouth (only a small amount).  All I can guess was that she either was bouncing on her bed holding onto the rail, over balanced and fell out, or she climbed out and banged her mouth and side of her face.  We'll never know.  HK lowered the base of her bed to the lowest level.  Mary-Jane was so upset.  It took her a while to settle (nearly two hours).  I think she was a little frightened to be on her bed.  When she did go back on her bed, she did settle to sleep, thankfully.


Luneray said...

so lovely! Thanks for sharing the photos.

CarpeDyem said...

The pleasure is mine for being able to share them. There is so much around here, just on the doorstep, as well as the rest of The Lake District to explore. It all floats my boat and presses all the right buttons for me.

Luneray said...

some day I will make it out there and we can go for lovely wanderings with plenty of breaks for knitting. :)

CarpeDyem said...

You bet you're sweet ass! You will be more than very welcome!xx