Monday, 2 April 2012

Monday Musings On A Monday

Right Now:  I have been texting my dear friend Sally, and she has been making me laugh and chortle

This Weekend:  Saturday was taken up with WI business.  Sunday's highlight was Mary-Jane having her first proper sandwich to herself (instead of trying to eat Daddy's)

Some Plans for This Week: I've tried to keep my diary fairly clear so I can spend more time with Mary-Jane.  I'd like to take her to St Bees and get her on the beach

If I Find Some Time For Myself I Would Like To:  Bake some fancy cupcakes or biscuits

I Am Grateful For:  HK and MJ, as ever

Some Thoughtful Intentions For The Week: For Carol

Something That Makes Me Smile:  It has to be Sally, she makes me smile, laugh, chortle and grin

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