Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The Bonkers Weather

Oh, I have to say the weather.  As you know recently we have had brilliant sunshine, with temps around 24 degrees.  Today, total contrast.  The wind started around mid morning and carried on, building up momentum into the evening.  The came the rain, but before the rain was sunshine, then the rain.  By tea time there was snow swirling around in the rain.  It's all a bit bonkers.  I looked to see what it was like on the fell tops, but couldn't see them. Tsk.

I have been knitting away this evening and the end is in sight for my birthday gift.  I can't tell you what it is until it is gifted.  I like it, may even do an adaptation of one for myself.  I'm sure I could finish it within a good half hour, or hour taking my time.  But I'm not stopping up late to finish it.  I'd rather go to bed and cuddle up to HK.

I've also been naughty and ordered a couple more baking and sugarcraft books from amazon.  Definitely the last for a while.  I want to spend time in the kitchen before I accumulate any more books!  I did manage to get in today and bake a quiche and very scrummy it was - cheese, mushroom and onion and no stilton!

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