Friday, 29 March 2013

The start of the Easter Holiday Weekend

I have come a little closer to achieving my Holiday Weekend Goals.  I have made a quiche and some cheese and mustard pinwheels from the left over pastry - they didn't last long at all, I must say.  I shall try again tomorrow in the kitchen, if I'm feeling up to it and if the kitchen is free.  We also need to go to the library in the morning.  Mary-Jane, Mum and I went to Tesco this morning to do my weekly shop.  I got MJ a denim jacket.  She point blank refused to try it on in the shop.  It was a size 5/6 years, I thought it would fit her, but if I'd noticed the label it said in small print 23" chest.  I would have known to get a bigger size (and roll the sleeves up!).  When we got back, the only way I could get her to try it on was on a promise to go outside and see the daffodils.  Fair trade off really.  Except the jacket was too small for her, so a walk outside to see the daffs turned into yet another trip to Tesco to change it.  We ended up with a size 8/9 as it was a 25" chest.  She is only two and a half.  She is roughly 39" tall.  Definitely a Jackson Gal!
So MJ, HK and I went back to Tesco in the afternoon.  We also got some more plinky plonk for Grandad as it had 25% off, plus the wine that I chose was about half price.  Bargain.  Grandma also got some fresh yeast a big lump for the princely sum of 1p, as it 'had to go through the till, sorry'.  If the yeast is not used, it gets thrown out, so it is not minded that customers ask for it.  Something I shall remember.  That's if I prefer it to dry yeast.  I have a feeling it will be a while before I start thinking about that decision, unless I have a specific disaster!
I am about 3/4's through the Summer Ruffled Top for Mary-Jane.  I do like the way the yarn knits up - I wouldn't mind a cardi out of it myself!
A few days ago HK, MJ and I went to the Tat Shop in Egremont.  Lady Luck was smiling on me.  I found some non-interchangeable circulars, five pairs size 2mm through to 3mm, different lengths, a ball of variagated orange yarn, wound up in a ball and to me, looking rather a lot like malabrigo.  I was smirking by this point, as you can imagine.  But the piece d'resistance was yet to come.  Two earthenware 9" pie dishes, looking as near to new as possible.  And a pound each.  Happy, Happy, Happy in the words of the philosophical Phil Robertson.  A Key Lime Pie and a Pumpkin Pie have re-entered the 'Must Bake Soon' list.  I was very chuffed to say the least.  HK had luck as well - two camera lenses at a good price, and a fraction of what he found them on ebay for.
I have started the ball rolling to re-register as a nurse.  The only place I particularly would chose to work is the prison.  It is becoming apparant that between HK and I this may be the most likely way of one of us working.  It is not a decision I have taken lightly.  There is no vacancies at the moment, apart from in IDTS - Integrated Drug Treatment Service, I don't overly fancy doing that, but won't say never.  So I may hang out an application for a while till a regular prison nurse job comes up.  Or another job I fancy.  The lure of being on the same or similar wage is more than enticing.  Time away from Mary-Jane does not enthuse me.  I have an amount of blind faith in that the path will be illuminated for me.


Luneray said...

Wow...that is luck for you and HK! But who would have been so crazy as to give up a skein of orange yarn? Thankfully, you have exquisite taste and so were able to give it a proper home. :)

CarpeDyem said...

Yes I fell lucky with that. No dobut it will end up as some shawlette, unless I get creative with my thinking! Do you have any suggestions? It's about a double knit weight, 4mm needles ish

Luneray said...

well,the only thing I ever knit is socks, so I won't be much help with suggestions. Maybe a pair of fingerless mitts?