Thursday, 21 March 2013

Swirly Skirts and Summer Stripes

I finished the Swirly Skirt for Mary-Jane some days ago.  She does like it and is happy to wear it - it was a bit touch and go whilst I was making it.  She looks beautiful in it.
I was trying to get a shot of her mid 'princess twirl', that was quite tricky, especially when she wants me to princess twirl as well!  However, I don't think I did too bad at catching the movement of the skirt.
MJ has re-discovered Grandad's Rocking Chair.  She loves it.  I believe she may be the fifth generation, perhaps the sixth to use it.

I am having a day or two off baking.  I did make some spicy carrot soup.  I have had a portion and HK has had two.  Today I've frozen another three big portions, so the bag of carrots has stretched very well!  I would do a bit more freezing of soup and veg, if I had more freezer space!  I do have a few egg whites in there from my recent frenzy of curd making.  I am planning to make italian or swiss meringue topping for cupcakes, or even do an Angel type cake where egg whites are needed.
Yesterday I got my copy of Ruth Clemens - The Pink Whisk - Cake Making book.  I had it on pre order from Amazone, due out in May, but the publication date was bought forward so now I have it in my grubby paws.  I have had a good look through the book, and I like it.  I like the angle it comes from, the hints and tips.  I am eager to try out a few recipes.  I think Manchester Tart with bananas is top of the hit list.  I have promised HK another Pumpkin Pie over the weekend.  Never trust a skinny baker!
Knitterati was on Tuesday.  I got my head together with another lady and we talked knitting, various projects and knit a longs.  She showed me her yarn that she had recently bought.  I haven't really been round much yarn lately that I was accustomed to (all the top end stuff) so it was a real treat for me.  Made me appreciate more what was in my stash - and made me want to stash surf again, just to look through pretty things.  I do appreciate all my yarn so much more this past year or two.  I am so glad that I was an impulse buyer and that I stocked up the last year I was working, knowing that I was heading for a long 'dry' spell. 
I cast on another 'Tango Tank' for Mary-Jane, I'm calling it Summer Stripes.  I am using Sirdar Summer Stripes, in pinks and greens.  I have three 50g balls.  I think if I'm lucky I might get away with just two balls, if not I will only need to break into the third for a few yards. Then I need to decide waht to do with the stray ball!

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