Thursday, 28 March 2013

Easter Plans

I had planned to have some kitchen time today.  I want to do a fair bit of baking for this Easter Weekend.  Today I wanted to do a quiche for our tea and a Simnel Cake.  I got pastry out of the freezer, along with carrot soup for lunch.  I checked that I had all the ingredients for the Simnel Cake - I had.  Then it was out to me to go shopping.  I needed milk to tide us over till tomorrow when I do the weekly shop.  Plus there were some Crock type shoes on offer in Lidl that I could make good use of.  When I am in the kitchen weraing my slipppers, for some reason I can feel the cold of the floor coming through them, which I haven't had with any other footwear, including an identical pair of slippers I had last winter.  So I agreed to go shopping with Mum.  We came back five hours later, after going to Wilsons the Butchers, Lidl, Iceland, Home Bargains and Morrisons, I didn't get any baking done and we didn't have quiche for tea and the carrot soup is still in the fridge.  It was so busy on the roads and in the shops!  It was like Christmas.
So I want to go out first thing tomorrow and get what we need for the week, and get back in good time, and try again to do some baking!  I also want to bake some bread, some biscuits with Mary-Jane, maybe do a trifle, and this Manchester Tart which is starting to drive me up the wall because I've not made it yet.  And a lasagne, I've been after making one for a few weeks.  My last attempt was thwarted at the final hurdle as I didn't have any lasagne sheets(!).  I do now.
On the upside of things, Mum bought a Pop Cake Maker and chocolate fondue set today.  Pop Cakes are now on the Coming Soon Menu.  I bought some candy melts on Saturday.  I am looking forward to having a play with them.
I also have lots of plans of things to do with Mary-Jane over the Holiday Weekend.  I want to decorate eggs with her, construct Easter Baskets and have an Easter Egg Hunt in the garden.  Weather permitting of course.  Fingers crossed for a day like today. If the weather is good, I'd like to take her to the beach and have an ice cream.  I think I may be pushing it too far to say that I'd like to have a picnic.  I also want to plant some herbs with her.  I will put them on the kitchen windo ledge, and cover them wiht plastic cloches, otherwise they will never withstand the 'pruning' by the cats.  Only old Bob is allowed up there.  In fairness, the others jump down from there when they see me, especially when I reach for the wooden spoon.  Ahem.
Lots to do, let's see what gets achieved and what prevents it!

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