Thursday, 15 September 2011

Mary-Jane's First Birthday

Mary -Jane had her First Birthday on the 22nd August. It was quite a special day for us. I must admit that I spent quite some time reflecting and remembering my time in hospital when MJ was born.
MJ had a birthday cake, that Grandma had bought her, unfortunatley only the tiniest corner of it can be seen in the photo.

Mary-Jane had lots of toys for her birthday. We discovered a wonderful toy shop in Whitehaven that sells traditional toys. Most are wooden and not one thing in the shop (that I can see) needs a battery! Mary-Jane's main present from us was an activity cube. She does like playing with this. The top part of it can be turned upside down and makes a flat surface, which she puts her bricks on.
Some weeks earlier, I had spotted the dragon - it was a must have.
MJ is good at drinking her juice from her beaker. We put the juice on her toy chest, which we call her bar, then tell her that the bar is open......

Another shot of Mary-Jane playing with her cube, the smile on her face says it all!


paula said...

Boy, that little one is growing like a weed . . . hard to believe ow big she is now. Love that she has toys for her imagination . . . love to see little ones pretend :0}

CarpeDyem said...

At the moment she likes putting things on to shelves and taking them again, and posting bricks into holes in other toys. Anotehr favourite is to put her bricks into Mommy's knitting bag, going to retrieve said brick and, oh, just happening to pull out lots of interesting things that lay in Mommy's bag!!