Saturday, 24 September 2011

Mary-Jane, Raa-Raa & Hufty

One of the TV programmes Mary-Jane likes to watch of a morning is 'Raa-Raa, the noisy lion'. She likes the music and dances to it. I sing her the song and she says Raa-raa-raa to me. It's lots of fun! On a recent shopping trip, we came upon this bean bag, very similar to Raa-Raa and his friends. It was a must have!
Mary-Jane also liked Batman and will sit with HK and watch it. Again, she loves the music and dances to it!
So, with MJ liking Raa-Raa (amongst other things), I have spent this evening making hand puppets for her. I think they may be a little old for her, but you never know. They are a little too small for me to put my hand in. I think they are quite adorable. I have the templates, so I can tweek them, or even try some more Jingly Jangly Jungle Friends! Introducing Raa-Raa and Hufty!
Hufty the elephant (heffalump!)
And the noisy little lion himself - Raa-Raa! I am so looking forward to Mary-Jane seeing them and playing with them tomorrow.
Talking of tomorrow, I am so tired and wanted to go to have an early night, never mind, there is always tomorrow - and no chance of a lie in!


paula said...

How adorable. . . the zoo has started.

CarpeDyem said...

Am fired up to make lots more things!