Sunday, 27 January 2013

Normal Service Is Resuming For Me

The first few days back were, are very much a blur.  The stairs were so difficult to climb.  I was almost hauling myself up by the bannisters, one step at a time.  My legs have been very weak.  Walking even small distances around the house have been enough to tire me and to warrent 'a rest'. The days continued to be rounds of sleeping, trying to eat and drink sufficient and taking medication.  After a few days, I was improving.  I was taking things steadily, pushing myself to do more.  I am nearly about back to normal.  I was so gald to be back around HK and Mary-Jane.  I had missed them sorely.  I still am not fit enough to change MJ, get her up and put her to bed.  I am there though.  In the next day or two, I will be resuming normal duties.
Knitting restarted a few days ago.  I am working on the Gull Baby Blanket.   I am perhaps six or so rows off half way.  I have done quite a lot today, and to be truthful, am ready to put it down at least for tonight.  I must not start anything else or the blanket is likely to fall into the UFO catorgary (UnFinished Object).  I have been treated to some James C Brett Monsoon to do the cardi in Yarnwise that I have been hanging my nose over.  I have also been treated to some darkish rose pink 4 ply cotton, that is destined to be either a summer cardi or a waistcoat.  I have moved the yarn out of our front room so it is not a temptation to me whilst I slog on with the Gull Blankie.
My main goal for this coming week is to take Mary-Jane to play group on Tuesday.  Lesser goals include going to Sugarcraft Class.  This may be put off till next week, depending on how I feel after playgroup as it is on the same day.  I am also aware that sugarcraft is half way through it's term.  I need to see where things are with projects.  Obviously I don't have time to play catch up (do I?) although there may be two or three projects planned for the term. 
I also want to cook more, see to Mary-Jane more and maybe, just maybe, do a small amount of baking.  This may spill into next week.  So far, I have managed to do the (much scaled down) weekly shop, and be very grateful to be able to cling onto and push the trolley!  We went to Gosforth Library on Saturday morning, with me driving in the snow.  Tonight I made Mary-Jane's tea and my own - HK had sandwiches, which he makes himself.  Normal service is coming back.

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