Monday, 7 January 2013

Day time snoozing continues

We went to Gosfoth Library today.  I was going to take my camera, it a beautiful old building.  We were in a bit of a rush and a tizz when we left the house.  There had been a hiccup with HK's benefit payments and it had to be sorted.  Naturally I went from 0 - Stressed in 3.5 seconds.  It was nothing at all to be worried about and everything is on track.  Phew.
I like going to the library.  Mary-Jane likes it too.  Her good manners were commented on today, I glowed.  I usually get baking related books out.  Due to the amount of books I got for Christmas and my temporary tummy turningness when I think about most foods, I came away empty handed.
After lunch I was getting a wee bit of a headache.  I didn't think I was particularly tired.  It seemed one of those headaches that can only be slept off.  I tried to put my head back on the sofa (usual day time snoozing position) and have ten minutes.  Mary-Jane didn't think that was a good idea, so HK suggested that I lie down on the bed, at least I would get some peace and quiet to focus on getting rid of the headache.  I went upstairs to lie down.  Two hours later I woke up!  I did feel better for the sleep, mind.
I have finished my oak leaf cloth and have started The Meadow.  I did intend this to be the last cloth.  I may have a dig in my drawers to see what cotton yarn I have in there and do some lacy cloths.  No big cardi type project is springing into my mind yet, no Eureka! moment is popping in my head.  Cloths it will have to be.

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