Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Not So Much Sleep, Little Knitting And Lots Of Cupcake Cases

I could've done with a bit more sleep than what I have had in the last few days.  It all comes with the territory I suppose!  I don't know if Mary-Jane is going through a growth spurt, but she seems to get disturbed sleep pattern every few weeks or so at the moment.  I have never been able to cope very well with lack of sleep, despite all the stupid work shifts and hours I used to do.  Early night for me.  I even feel a bit too tired to knit.  Crumbs!  Must be bad!

I tried to do some beaded lace work last night, but that got frogged to the sound of MJ crying.  I did manage to make a corner book mark.  A very quick and simple project.  I delivered my entry form for Gosforth yesterday.  It was a last minute decision to do two bookmarks.  I did the same last year.  I started doing the Marianne Bookmark from Jane Austen Knits.  I shall give it another go when my sleep quota is back to normal.

I have also made a preemie body warmer and hat.  I just need to locate some buttons and sew them on.  I've done a few more rows on ASJ, but am now needing a break from it - although that could be tonights chosen piece of knitting!

I have succumbed to my current cupcake cases pre-occupation and ordered ahem 500 cupcake cases.  Ahem.  Okay, so there are seven different types in all, they are either in quantities of 20 or 100.  I've not gone that daft.  Although I notice that I didn't buy any foil cases. D'oh.  These are better when using a runny fondant topping.  I've ordered them from Hong Kong, they are a good price.  I have also ordered some more cutters.

I may try and do some baking tomorrow.  Keep your fingers crossed for MJ having a few good nights sleep x

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