Tuesday, 14 August 2012

No Baking and MJ Having Some Fun

I had planned to bake today.  To bake quite a lot.  It didn't happen.  I even got as far as weighing out butter and sugar, then had to abort.  Mainly because Mary-Jane wasn't happy that I was in the kitchen and she was in the front room.  HK wasn't overly prepared to watch her as she ran loose round the house.  MJ was getting quite tired as well, so the histrionics weren't far away when she couldn't get her own way immediately.  She awoke in the evening and again about half four.  Luckily she settled herself down at half four.  I think we wouldv'e had a job to settle her again if we'd got her up.  She has been murmering in her sleep and calling out the odd word so far this evening. 

I was going to do some sugarcraft but haven't been able to get in the kitchen.  I can see me not getting all entries prepared in time for Gosforth Show.  That will be a great shame.  I will give it my best welly though.

Mary-Jane had loads of fun when we went to the Co-op this morning.  Usually she is quite shy when someone comes near her.  Not today.  It was though a switch had been flicked in her brain.  She was running around, not straying far from us,  and actually telling everyone that 'I'm shopping' or 'I'm shopping with Mommy and Daddy' and 'I'm having tat-ta's in the car'!  She delighted and wowed everyone in the shop.  She was laughing and smiling and life was such fun for her.  She even ran down one empty aisle to see me, with her arms out stretched shouting Mommy at the top of her voice.  Beautiful.

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