Friday, 16 March 2012

Sereknitty is Completed!

Hot off the needles - Sereknitty is completed!  These pictures don't really do it justice, more tomorrow when I can get HK to photo me modelling it.  I have a real sense of achievement - and a smug grin!  It measures 27" front neckline to lower edge.  The lower edge actually measures a stunning 114".  The final stitch count was 371.

 Sereknitty folded in half.  It doesn't sit flush to the floor as it is not a circle or part circle as such.  The rows between the increases got more as it went along.  I'm looking forward to seeing myself in it.
Would I make it again?  Yes I think I would, not straightaway mind.  Potential is there for different yarns and lace stich patterns.  I can now cast on the next big project - and perhaps a small one, or even a pair of socks.......

1 comment:

paula said...

beautiful colors.