Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Monday Musings On Tuesday

Right Now:  I have been having a look on Rav.  A  friends Birthday is in just over a week and I wanted to make her something.  I wanted inspiration and found it.  I actually have the recommended yarn, which may just add a little bit of extra meaning to it.  I need to get the yarn out of the barn (more stash surfing!) tomorrow and get cracking with it.  It may be do-able  to get done in time for her Birthday.  Sounds like a good plan to me.

This Weekend:  The weather has been absolutely gorgeous - lots of sun, very little breeze.  I could cope with this.  HK, Mary-Jane and I have been able to spend time outside in the garden.

Some Plans This Week:  To go to the Country Market on Thursday for the morning and see what it is all about.  I have two letters to write to penpals

If I Find Some Time For Myself I Would Like To: Hmm, I guess at the moment I would like to get the above mentioned gift started and completed

I Am Grateful For:  HK, for keeping me going and being able to lean on him in times of need, for picking me up when I stumble

Some Thoughtful Intentions For The Week:  CR.  For Me, to keep me strong

Something That Makes Me Smile: Mary-Jane, for laughing and giggling -  mimicing my actions that make her laugh and giggle - being able to share laughing with her, and her being only 19 months old xxxx

1 comment:

paula said...

I have a student, who is also a distant relative, that hs a daughter who is no older than 5/6 years. She has been vlogging about how Ittie (her daughter's nickname) is starting to tell jokes . . they don;t make sense, but the daughter LOVEs them and laughs like crazy.

ANyway, it started me wondering when a child's humor delvelopes and why it developes like it does. Her daughter will have a blog so she can see how she grew . . . and so does MJ.

She will be so lucky, when she is an adult, to go back and see what she did and when she hit a milestone . . lucky little mary Jane!