Friday, 30 March 2012

Prize Bingo at Wath Brow

I have been playing Prize Bingo at Wath Brow this evening.  I came close twice to calling House - I was waiting for one number, but my luck was not in.  I leant someone a pen and they won three maybe four prizes!!  It is going to be held monthly, so I may well go again next month.

I've not done any knitting this evening since I've been back.  My Mirasol arrived today and I haven't even opened that yet.  If there is enough yarn, I want to make a lined bag.  I have seen a picture of one that a friend made.  She made it out of granny squares, in about four or five shades of green.  It looked gorgeous and has quite inspired me.  Oh I couldn't resist any longer, I have opened the bag of yarn.  Very lovely, Mirasol Hap'i.  Two greens, two blues and a reddish brown.  They look well together.

I think I must be ready for bed, my mind is going quite blank, so I shall bid you good night.  I have a busy day tomorrow - off to Carlisle for the WI Spring Council Meeting, I shall officially be a delegate, although I'm not entirely sure what this involves!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Yarn Dyeing Re-Visited

I was having a shufty around on Google and came across this - I had forgotten all about it!  How lovely to re-visit it!  It's about when I did my yarn dyeing, take a look!  I can't believe it was five years ago......

The Country Market Ball Is Rolling

I finally made it for a full session down at the Country Market in Whitehaven.  Nearly a full session.  Mary-Jane chose this morning to have a lie-in so I didn't get down there till about 9ish.  One advantage of this is that I was able to go into Mary-Jane's room and watch her as she slept.  I have not done this for such along time.  I used to go into her every night as I was coming to bed and check she was okay etc.  She then developed some kind of 'Mommy Sense' and would rouse and start to wake up when I was watching her.  She didn't do this with Daddy.  He could stand and watch her for ages without her stirring, but I couldn't.  So it was a avery rare treat to watch her sleeping.  I think I fell in love with her all over again.

I have officially joined The Country Markets Co-operative.  I shall start producing when I have the Food Hygiene Cert in my hands.  Most of the baked goods are traditional.  Everyone was welcoming and giving me hints and tips, all of which are useful.  I'm all ready to start producing.  I shall start with scones and perhaps some kind of cake.  I'm not sure yet what sort of cake.  While we were there, two ladies asked to film the market very briefly, I'm talking a few seconds.  This is part of the bid for Whitehaven to be one of Mary Portas' 12 English Towns to recieve a facelift.  I've only looked into it a little bit so far.  Apparantly the film that was shot today will be on You Tube at some point, I may have to have a look.  I was tucked away at the back as I don't have an apron for the Market yet.

This afternoon, we went through to Workington again, this time to get HK and Mary-Jane more shoes - HK another two pairs of the crocs and Mary-Jane a further two pairs of her Minnie Mouse crocs in different sizes.

I have started my Birthday Scarf for a friend.  There was a text on my phone when I got up this morning, saying what colours she likes and doens't like.  I was pleased.  I'm going ahead with the yarn I orignally thought.  I have done all of six inches or so.  It is quite straight forward, so it will be a matter of time. I'm sure she won't mind if it's late!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Winter Apple, Workington and Stash Surfing

HK, Mary-Jane and I went through to Workington, to go to Asda to get Mary-Jane some new clothes for the spring and summer.  We got her some pretty dresses and shorts that would be good for everyday and playing in the garden.  We had lunch in Morrisons Cafe.  Mary-Jane did us proud and was such a good girl.  She ate all her lunch - fish fingers, peas and mash, with sliced apple and grapes and apple juice.  And a little bit of cheese from my sandwich and the odd chip.  She does like her cheese.  Some ladies even commented on how good she was at the table and at eating her meal.  HK and I just grinned.

I have been stash surfing.  I have found the yarn I wanted to use for my friends gift.  However, it doesn't have her favourite colour in it, so I don't know whether she would wear the colours that are in it.  I did text her to ask her about colours, but as yet no reply.  I have found 100g of DK that I dyed, with a colour in it that is nearly turquoise (her favourite colour), it also has a fresh green and a darkish dusky rose.  The pattern calls for an aran weight, Noro Kuryeon to be precise.  The Kureyon I have is dark brown, cerise pink, green, red and light brown.  I'm itching to start.  I need to be patient.

So this evening I have continued working on Winter Apple.  I am now ready to start row 25.  I did think up till a few seconds ago that there was just under 50 rows to this shawl in total, although I did entertain a quiet disbelief in the further recesses of my mind.  It dawned on me that, judging by how much I have already done, a total of 50 rows is way off the mark.  Consultation with that patterns tells me that this little thought is quite right.  I finish row 48 with 199 stitches.  I have to continue to seven stitches, decreasing 6 stitches over two rows, as per pattern.  So that is another 64 rows than what I originally thought.  Bugger.  At least the rows are getting shorter and not longer!  If they were getting longer and I had an extra 64 rows to do than what I thought, that is a more significant amount.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Monday Musings On Tuesday

Right Now:  I have been having a look on Rav.  A  friends Birthday is in just over a week and I wanted to make her something.  I wanted inspiration and found it.  I actually have the recommended yarn, which may just add a little bit of extra meaning to it.  I need to get the yarn out of the barn (more stash surfing!) tomorrow and get cracking with it.  It may be do-able  to get done in time for her Birthday.  Sounds like a good plan to me.

This Weekend:  The weather has been absolutely gorgeous - lots of sun, very little breeze.  I could cope with this.  HK, Mary-Jane and I have been able to spend time outside in the garden.

Some Plans This Week:  To go to the Country Market on Thursday for the morning and see what it is all about.  I have two letters to write to penpals

If I Find Some Time For Myself I Would Like To: Hmm, I guess at the moment I would like to get the above mentioned gift started and completed

I Am Grateful For:  HK, for keeping me going and being able to lean on him in times of need, for picking me up when I stumble

Some Thoughtful Intentions For The Week:  CR.  For Me, to keep me strong

Something That Makes Me Smile: Mary-Jane, for laughing and giggling -  mimicing my actions that make her laugh and giggle - being able to share laughing with her, and her being only 19 months old xxxx

Monday, 26 March 2012

Mary-Jane On The Lawn

We have had another day of brilliant sunshine.  I'm loving it.  It can stay like this till the autumn for me.  I just can't help feeling that once this bout of good weather is over, then that will be it till the autumn.

We went to Seascale this morning to collect my winnings from the Victorian Afternoon Tea.  I have not opened the jar yet and counted all the coins.  I know there is a £2 coin, that will go in my Yummy Mummy Treat Fund  Jar, 5p will pay for my share in the Country Markets Co-operative and I may well use a £1 to get a lottery ticket for the weekend.  I shall try and spread my luck around!  The rest of the coppers will go in Mary-Jane's Jar that Grandad looks after.

I slipped out for a couple of hours to see D.  We had a good chops (chat) and put the world to rights, and chopsed even more about knitting and a little bit about dyeing yarn.  D made me the most lovely macaroni cheese for lunch, really putting the cheese into macaroni cheese!  I was very full after.

When I got back midafternoon, HK and Mary-Jane were in the garden.  Mary-Jane was having a whale of atime toddling around the garden.  She had kept her hat on most of the time she was out as well - more than what she did the day before.

Here she is on the main lawn with HK in persuit.

She is much less scared and wary of Bandit now.  It could even be said that they are exploring the shed door together.  She has my car keys in her hand.

More toddling around the lawn, being watched by Rhinog.  Grandad is sat on a bench reading his book.

More exploring, this time of a dry bird bath

I like this one a lot, she is looking straight at me as I took the photo.  Yes she is Minnie Mouse mad!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Victorian Afternoon Tea in Seascale

This afternoon, M and I went to a Victorian Afternoon Tea in a church hall at Seascale.  It was a delightful afternoon and we both came away feeling like we had eaten too much cake!  Yes there were cucumber sandwiches and not a crust in sight. This is the table as we sat down. 
The waiting on staff were wearing victorian style clothes and lace aprons.  We were also served with meringues and cream, a gorgeous strawberry cake - the sponge might have been genoise or angel food cake.  It was one that was very light, not a victoria sponge at least.  We had two pots of tea and offerings of extra sandwiches and even more cake - which we declined gracefully but very temptingly.

I was expecting the usual raffle, but instead there was a 'guess the weight of the cake' - a beautiful Simnel Cake and a 'guess how much money in the jar'.  I also bought a plate of about half a dozen small cakes to bring home.

M and I sat and talked of village life, the pro's and con's of being an outsider, and how rural life differs from city life.  I think if I went to a big city, even to go shopping for the day, I would find it quite anxiety provoking with all the people and buildings etc.  I'm sure I'd cope though, plus it's not likely to happen for quite a while!

At the back of the hall, where we were seated, there was a display of Vicoriana.  The things I liked the most were two cross stitch samplers.  One was dated 1840, I can't remember the date of the other.  They looked genuinely done at that time as well.  It made me think of mine - dated 1992, when I was 24.  Gosh, 20 years ago, now there's a thing.

Early evening I had a phone call.  It was a lady from the Afternoon Tea - I had guessed the right amount of money in the jar!  My prize is the jar of coins, all £8.29.  I was thrilled and got quite excited on the phone!  I thanked the lady and told her how much we had enjoyed the afternoon and would love to attend again if they did another.

Rhinog and his new brother, Bandit are getting on really well.  Bandit is now allowed to run round the garden off the lead.  He has filled out since he arrived and is nowhere near as nervous and timid as he was.  One of Rhinog's all time favourite games is playing tug of war with a ragga.  He loves it just as much when there is another dog on the other end of the ragga and they can run round like ijits having lots and lots of fun!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Saturday Afternoon In The Garden

There has been glorious sunshine in West Cumbria today.  The car temp said 21 degrees at lunchtime when we were leaving Tesco.  Once home, and lunch was all eaten, Mary-Jane and I, went outside into the garden to enjoy the weather.  Before we did go out, I was able to peg the washing out on the line for the first time this year.  Whilst doing this, I had a formidable bump, which I recognised straight away as an RTA - road traffic accident.  I flew out of the field, through the gate and onto the front road.  Yes there had been an accident, one car had pulled out of the junction and hit another travelling along the main road.  This car had come to a stop along the bottom of our drive.  Luckily there was no-one seriously injured.  The chap that was hit was whisked off to hospital by ambulance.  He had spondiolosis (not sure of spelling) meaning some of the bones in his spine had fused.  He was quite shook up.  Nearly the whole side of his car had been taken on off - the passenger side.    I did what I could, which wasn't too much - ensure people were safe, offer drinks of water or try to tend to injuries etc.  The police arrived pretty quick.  I noticed even Sellafield Police pulled up, but then this is part of the area they monitor.  Sellafield Police are not the same as normal police, in the way that the railway police used to be different.

Anyhow, it could have been worse, but it wasn't.  Although I do think the chap that went off in the ambi will have some health consequences.

After all that, and I had finished hanging out the washing, I bought Mary-Jane outside in the garden.  HK had started mowing the lawns in the morning and was continuing with this.  Mary-Jane and  I were out for over two hours.  We came back in as she was getting a bit pink.  Not to mention, she decided that she was tired out once we got back indoors.

Mary-Jane discovered one of the peg baskets and some pegs, that was her occupied for quite a while.

Here she is, deep in thought, plotting and planning something

Acquiring pegs and trying to take the washing basket for a walk.  This was the Moses Basket she slept in when she was a tiny baby

On a peg run.  MJ would fetch a peg from the field to me, then try to put the peg on her t-shirt, which I helped her with, then would go back into the field for another peg and repeat the process!

See the growing collection of pegs on her t-shirt
Each time she passed these daffodils, she would stop and have a sniff of them

Having fun and running around, now with lots of pegs!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Pie, Peas, Pudding and Poetry

Another busy day.  I attended West Lakes College today and did my Level 2 Food Hygiene.  It will be 4 -  6 weeks (or less) before I hear if I've passed, which I'm sure I have.  There was an exam at the end of the day.  We finished two hours early, which was lovely as I was missing Mary-Jane.  I will probably have to wait until the certificate comes through before I can start producing for the County Market.  It will give me chance to try and clean the kitchen properly, and keep it clean.

My first issue of 'Cake Decorating' came through today.  It's one of those magazines that you get a part each week with freebies, rather than a regular magazine.  I've not yet found out how many parts there are to it.  I am still getting 'Baked & Delicious', there are 60 parts to that and I am at the half way point with that.  I need to start to feel less tired all the time so I can bake with mojo.  There are so many things I want to bake and techniques I want to try out working with sugarcraft.

This evening I went to Lamplugh.  Lamplugh WI held a Pie, Pea, Pudding and Poetry night.  I quite enjoyed it.  I had a cheese and onion pie with mushy peas.  I was being very adventurous with the mushy peas.  These are usually high on the yuk factor with me and I cannot remember when I tried them last.  But I had some.  I wouldn't say I enjoyed them, but ate them, didn't find them offensive and would try them again.  Perhaps with a bit of vinegar.  I also had a slice of Pavlova with kiwi fruit and strawberries.  All washed down with a couple of cups of tea.  And Poems.  Mainly funny ones, with a few funny stories.  A genteel evening.  I shall go next year.  On such a note, I am going to a Victorian Afternoon Tea on Sunday with M and LA - have I already mentioned that before?

We have had sunshine again today and it's given out for a nice weekend. I shall hope to take Mary-Jane out some where, beyond the weekly trip to Tesco's, perhaps we might just take in another church on The Viking Trail and somewhere for Mary-Jane to have a run around.  HK is hoping to give the lawns the first cut of the year.  I am quite anxious in case he knackers his back and legs up again.  Another two months of so of him being incapacitated will be difficult to handle.  Saying that, I know that he agrees with me on this one and says he will be very careful. Hhhhmmm.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Herman German Friendship Cake

We have been blessed with beautiful warm sunshine today.  I have been able to be outside and walk about without even wearing a coat - and is in short sleeves!  It was so lovely to be warmed by the sun.  Being Cynical, this is probably are upside down summer.

I have had some 'me' time today out of the house.  I called in at Fobbles for just over an hour to see D.  I then went to M's to see her and LA.  I was treated to a slice of gorgeous Lemon Meringue Pie that M had made.  We had a good chat, supported each other and tried to put worlds to rights.  LA has passed on to myself and M a Herman German Friendship Cake.  It is one where you have a live batter, ie one with yeast, a sourbread type thing, you keep it and feed it then on the tenth day, you divide it into four and give three parts away to friends for them to do the same.  Coincidentally Mum was given one today as well.  It is part of the same scheme as she has exactly the same instructions as me.  I think it wuld be interesting if you could track all the people that get involved.  I have mine sat in a bowl, covered with a tea towel, sat for the moment on top of the cooker.

I am on row 17 of the Winter Apple Shawl.  I may complete row 18 before bed. 

Tomorrow I have the food hygiene cert.  Even HK says it will be a tedious day for me.  I usually get these certs done in about two hours and that is stretching it.  A whole day seems a nightmare.  It needs to be done, so I shall try to curb my moaning.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

February Itsy Cloths and A Quiet Day

As you know, I took part in the Itsy Bitsy February Swap.  My partner was Barbbowman.  This is what I sent her.  Both designs are by Knitwits and are available for free on Ravelry.  The first one is called Spring Flowers.  I have done both designs before.

 This is four shamrocks/clovers.  I love cloths.  They are fun to do, don't take long, are pretty and useful.

Today has been a quiet sort of day.  Mary-Jane is not up to her full quota of beans yet, she still sounds a little chesty and was coughing again in the night.  HK signed on this afternoon at Cleator Moor.  On the same run we took the household recycling and went to the Co-op to get top ups of milk, bread and bananas.  Nothing overly exciting!  I made a quiche - danish blue and mushrooms.  The danish blue is stronger and creamier than the usual stilton I use.  I was going to make some cupcakes but Mary-Jane's need for Momma was greater than my need to make cupcakes. 

I treated myself to some new books (have I told you already?) on sugarcraft and cupcakes.  I am making my way through having a look at them, not properly poured over then yet.  I am inspired to make cupcakes a-go-go.  And celebration cakes.  There is a WI Raffle next month and I might see if I can organise myself to make a big cake for then, I'm not holding my breath on that one, it's just a perhaps.

The Winter Apple Shawl has had a couple more rows added to it this evening.  In a night or two, I shall have to start doing for the next Itsy Bits Swap - to be sent off at the end of the month.  I need to get my finger out really.  I have decided on the yarn, not the pattern yet.  The orignal decision of what to do for this I'm not doing as I couldn't find the exact yarn in my stash that I was looking for.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Monday Musings On Tuesday

Tuesdays are happening more often!

Right Now:  I have been catching up with the blog.  I have spent a few hours working on my Winter Apple Shawl.  I have made a few mistakes, thankfully noticed them not long after I'd made them so not too much tinking.

This Weekend: A trip to St Bees, a tired Mary-Jane and bargains to be had

Some Plans For This Week: Not to make too many plans!  I went to see a friend yesterday and am going out again on Thursday.  Friday I am doing my Food Hygiene Award, so I can be a produced at The Country Market.

If I Find Some Time For Myself I Would Like To:  do some baking.  Do some sugarcraft, perhaps ideally find something in one of my new sugarcraft books and have a go at making that.  Failing that I would like to have a good look through and read of my books

I am grateful for: HK, for who he is and what he means to me

Some Thoughtful Intentions For The Week: For Carol Riley.  I have written to her, posted it on Saturday.  I have sent her a cloth with picture of Praying Hands

Something That Makes Me Smile:  This afternoon, Mary-Jane came up to me on the sofa and spontaneously planted four kisses on my lips.  I got very gushy.

February Itsy Bitsy Swap

I recieved my Feb Swap package today.  It was made by Barb in Queensland, Australia.  I'm pleased with it.  All three items are going to get well used!  The cloth on the left says 'Kiss me I'm Irish'.

Big Thanks to Barb!

Midafternoon Nap

Mary-Jane is getting over her cold now.  She had an early night last night and a bit of a lay in this morning.  She appeared much brighter this morning and more energetic.  Come this afternoon, I cancelled any plans to have kitchen time as Mary-Jane was getting clingy with us both, she wanted us both to be there on tap, literllay going form one to another of us.  We looked at each other 'She's tired and struggling'.  A short while after this, she climbed on Daddy's knee, and relaxed.  Moments later her eyes were going and she was asleep.

How cute and beautiful

Peaceful and safe in her sleep on Daddy's lap

Monday, 19 March 2012

Saturday Morning Bargains

Saturday Morning, HK, MJ and I went into Egremont as I had some letters to post and wanted a small blow out.  I suggested the HK that he come and we'd go to have a look in the Charity shop.  He agreed.  Someone must have been smiling on us as we all came away with a purchase.  I found a small, unopened cross stitch kit of a duck with a ladybird, that will look nice in Mary-Jane's bedroom.  I also found a cross stitch chart of Irises in an Art Deco style window.  I like Art Deco.  Mary-Jane had a Tweenies story book, a story book about going to bed and a colouring book.  HK had a Dean Koontz hard back, in very good condition.  HK found Dad a new Spike Milligan hard backed book, again in excellent condition,which he didn't have and a book on Cumbrain poetry.

The best buy by far, was this tapestry.  The frame is really heavy as well.  It has been beautifully stitched.  I cannot believe it has ended up in a charity shop.   I am so glad that I found it.  It had several other pictures in front of it, not tapestries I hasten to add!  I don't know anything about the picture itself, just guess that it is a classic painting.  There is no writing on the back to tell me of the previous owner or who stitched it.

This was priced up at £8. 

I said to the lady behind the counter, who knows us from going in there, that there was no way I could leave such a piece and not buy it. All our purchases came to a grand total of £15. I gave the tapestry to Mum.  She loves it.

MJ At The Weekend

On Saturday Mary-Jane, Mum and I went to St Bee's, as you already know.  After leaving the Priory, we went to St Bee's Head.  I quite like it there.  I've not been for about 10 months, saying that.  There is a childrens play area, so I took Mary-Jane.  She absolutely loved the slide - the weeeeeee as it is now known!  I lift her up and hold her as she slides down.  She was very taken with it.  In fact, she didn't wan to move far from it and had a paddy when I did try and move her.......

St Bee's Head.  Can't wait to get Mary-Jane down there amongst the rock pools.  Indeed, I can't wait to get her paddling in the sea.
On Sunday we were still blessed with sunshine, although there was a cutting breeze.  HK and I took Mary-Jane out in the garden for a run around.  She found a little circuit, and ran around that lots and lots of times.  My little girl is getting bigger.
Mary-Jane being watched over by HK.  Chooks in the background awaiting treats.

I love this picture.  Mary-Jane got in the Belfast sink by herself - no prompting or encouragement.  I was so glad I had my camera in my hand!

Mary-Jane in motion, with a bit of help grom Granma and a red glove

Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Viking Trail - St Bee's Priory

St Bee's Priory Church may be better known for it's Norman architecture.  In 650 the church was the site of a Benedictine Nunnery but was destroyed by the Danes on the latter part of the 9th century.  The Norse settled shortly after and named the place Kirkeby Beghoc, meaning village by the church of St Bega'.  It is the most northerly church in this Viking Trail.

This cross once stood on the main road to Whitehaven.  It is thought to be a 'Sanctuary Cross', marking the boundary of the parish, or a resting cross on the coffin road.  The coffin roads date back from medieval times when many West Cumbrain parishes did not have a licence to bury, and bodies were bought to St Bee's.  The cross may have served  as a symbolic last resting place when the priory was first glimpsed.

This lintel is above the cross (above) and opposite the West Entrance.  It is a Norman lintel stone depicting a fight between St Michael and a dragon.  The dragon has a head at it's tail - to show the eternal fight of good and evil - and towers over St Michael threateningly.  The dragon is flanked by interlace and a dove of peace with scandanavian and celtic influences.  The stone is dated around 1120 and may have been over the entrance to an earlier church or chapel.

The West Door.  To me, if you walk through this door, you will enter a fantasy world like Middle Earth or back in time.  Fantastic.  It is one of the finest doors in Cumbria and dates to 1160.  It is richly carved with successive arcades of chevrons in which are several 'Beakheads' of birds and beasts.  The arcades spring from intricately carved capitals, beneath which there would have been sandstone pillars.  Only one of these survive.  Apart from some obvious modern restorations, you are looking at a doorway that is largely unchanged in 850 years.  Amazing.  Breath taking.
The west end of the nave.  The screen is Art Nouveau and is designed by William Butterfield and erectd in 1886.

Little remains in the Priory of Norse Times.  This is a fragment of an ornate cross shaft, standing in a window in the south aisle.  The cross, carved out of white granite, has fine sprial scrollwork on the mainface while the two sides are decorated with interwoven cable and crenellated band.
A View of St Bee's Priory Church, showing the south side aisle

This is a grave slab from the 12th or 13th century.  I read the notice about it, but can't clearly remember what it said.  I was getting quite excited at all the things to see and read.......

Another grave slab.  A return trip to St Bee's me thinks

A closer view of the Art Nouveau Screen.  As the east wall has now window, the screen enlivens the view.
Onto the Lady Chapel.  I was quite moved by this chapel.  This is the grave slab of Joanne De Lucy, who died in 1369. She was 8 when she died, but is portrayed as and adult, I'm not sure why. 

The Lady Chapel is dedicated to St Bega.  The two statues of St Bega and Mary with the Baby Jesus were placed here in 1955 and are the work of Josephina de Vasconcellos.  They stand on two original medieval statuary corbels.  Nest to the altar is a medieval piscina, used for washing the communion vessels at the end of service.  The Lady Chapel is also a Rememberance place for children who have died.  There is also a book for people to write in to Remember their lost child.

The organ is of catherdral proportions.  It was the last organ to be built personally by Henry Willis, in 1899.  It contains over 2,000 pipes and is one of the finest examples of an unaltered late romantic Victorian organ in the country

This is the Garden Of Rememberance for children who have died.  You can't see it very well, but there is another sculpture of a child, sleeping in a hand.

Friday, 16 March 2012

The Viking Trail - Beckermet

St Johns Church in Beckermet is the only church on this trail that does not have an ancient cross still standing in the churchyard.  Every window ledge inside the church on the north side of the nave has either one or two beautifully carved fragments from Norse Cross shafts, while the sills on the south side are brimful of ornate grave slabs dating from the 13th century.  Although the present church was built in 1878 there is good reason to believe that the site was used as a monastic cell as early as the 7th century.

This church is well within walking distance, a mile if that.

The first two Norse cross pieces can be seen in the porch.

I need to find out more about this church - I could say that about all the churches.  Next time I shall also take a note book as well - lots of things to read in these places!

The view from the nave (front of the church to the back).

The arches are rather beautiful.  I want to get the whole inscription above the arches.  The greens are very vibrant.  I need to find out more.
One of the stones on the north side.  Another thing I need to do is to use my 'posh camera' more, the carvings are a 'Must See'.

Here is an ironic thing.  I visited the church with Mary-Jane and Auntie AnnInAmerica.  We didn't have lots of time, but enough to have a look around.  I kept Mary Jane in her buggy.  We walked around the churchyard first, then in the church, then a few hundred yards up the road, before returning to the car.  Once back at the car and Mary-Jane was strapped in, I realised that Mr Snuggles was once more Missing In Action.  I asked Auntie AnnInAmerica to watch Mary-Jane whilst I felw back and tracked our steps.  I thought I'd initially go to the furthest point where we walked and come back.  As I passed the church, I had a really strong feeling that Mr Snuggles was in there.  I ignored my gut feelings and carried on up the road, just in case.  He wasn't there.  I then went into the church and lo and behold, there was Mr Snuggles, lying in the aisle, next to the front pew.  I picked him up, said lots of out loud thank yous and headed back to the car, where Mary-Jane was now quite distraught as she had seen me go off and leave her.

When I down loaded the photos, I actually had taken a picture of Mr Snuggles, lying where I found him. I'd not noticed him when I took the picture.  Weird eh?!

Post for Auntie AnnInAmerica


I took Mary-Jane shopping yesterday and got the Hello Kitty Duvet set, the cushion and the fleece blanket.  I treated myself to two baking tins, one for giant muffins and a round springform one.  Thank You!  Hope you got back to the US of A safe and sound xxxxxxx

Sereknitty is Completed!

Hot off the needles - Sereknitty is completed!  These pictures don't really do it justice, more tomorrow when I can get HK to photo me modelling it.  I have a real sense of achievement - and a smug grin!  It measures 27" front neckline to lower edge.  The lower edge actually measures a stunning 114".  The final stitch count was 371.

 Sereknitty folded in half.  It doesn't sit flush to the floor as it is not a circle or part circle as such.  The rows between the increases got more as it went along.  I'm looking forward to seeing myself in it.
Would I make it again?  Yes I think I would, not straightaway mind.  Potential is there for different yarns and lace stich patterns.  I can now cast on the next big project - and perhaps a small one, or even a pair of socks.......