Monday, 6 February 2012

Monday Musings

RIGHT NOW:  I'm thinking about bed. It's late for me.  My head is full of knitting, with passing thought to WI stuff.  MJ and HK have been in bed for a few hours

THIS WEEKEND:  Mary-Jane has not been well.  She awoke early on Sunday and didn't move more than a couple of feet away from us till she went to bed that night.  She was running a slight temp. She is much brighter in herself today

SOME PLANS THIS WEEK:  Sugarcraft Tuesday, WI on Wednesday, Knit & Natter Thursday.  Get Olympic Cushion finished or very nearly finished

IF I FIND SOME TIME FOR MYSELF I'D LIKE TO: Look through some beautiful knitting books I have been very kindly lent

I AM GRATEFUL FOR: Mary-Jane perking up today and feeling better.  Always grateful for her and HK

SOME THOUGHTFUL INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK: For Mary-Jane to shake this chesty cold she has

SOMETHING THAT MAKES ME SMILE:  Mary-Jane, she is very much on my mind at the moment.  Daydreaming about having our own place and my imaginery yarn shop - I've added buttons to it this week!

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