Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Another Busy Day

I have been trawling the t'internet for KnitPro Cubics Rose needles - 25cm straights and circulars/tips.  My head is done for.  I have ended up emailing one online store that says they can order any KnitPro needle.  I must put it out of my mind now as my mind is now in tatters!  I am starting to think if something is this difficult to get hold of, is it either worth the search or  should I give up?

This morning I had an appointment at the Job Centre.  They wanted to see how they could help me find work when the time was right.  I have another appointment on Friday to see someone about what courses are available.  I said that I didn't want to return to nursing and was considering catering and maybe looking at self employment.  I need to keep head space clear for all that.

Lunch time was the WI's turn for the Monthly Soup Lunch.  This means for me not far short of two hours of washing up - poor cinders - I quite like being tucked away to be honest.  Perhaps next time I shall be brave and be on the shop floor waiting on the tables.  The butternut squash and ginger soup was an absolute success.  I didn't make it I hasten to add, but would love the recipe.  I was given a recipe for cheese scones, which is slightly different to what I usually make.  I do rather like scones.  I don't make them enough.

HK looked after Mary-Jane whilst I was out.  Come evening he said his back was worse and stiffer.  The numbness in his leg that he has had for a few days is getting worse.  He forgot to mention that at his appt yesterday.  Mary-Jane appears to be well over the worst of her cough/cold/chestiness, thankfully.

For the WI, I had a thougth of gathering our members favourite tried and tested recipes and compiling them.  I know a lot of WI's have printed books.  I may look into all this out of sheer interest, I don't want to re-invent the wheel - perhaps unvent it!

Oh and I have only 42 and a bit rows of Sereknitty to go!

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