Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Stash Busting in 2012

Just the briefest of introductions for this - it's way past bedtime and it has taken me too long to suss out how to do the links and I don't think I'm quite there yet........

In a nut shell - use your stash!  See how far you can go in the year with just using your stash.  This doesn't mean that you can't buy anything new, just try and stash bust!  I have a SABLE stash and very little money to buy new yarn for the foreseeable, so this venture floats my boat. 

More tomorrow!


paula said...

Let me know and I'll send you the patterns for any animal hat I have.

I do think MJ would look nice in a Pink Piggy hat . . . ie, the polar bear in pink without the fun fur/eyelash yarn added.

CarpeDyem said...

I think she would as well! A pattern would be much appreciated - and a challenge for me! Thank You!