I was wanting to catch up with you tonight. HK was on the laptop all last evening, so I sat, knitted and watched TV. He usually goes up to bed early, reads and listens to the radio. But last night he wanted to surf the t'internet.
So a brief catch up.
I enjoyed Avril Project Day on Thursday. I actually learned new stuff. And this new stuff was in preparation for the Big Project Day in two weeks. Then we are going to learn Modular Knitting. Exciting. On Thursday I learned a new, and seeming good way to pick up stitches. I was tasked with making a cube. Initially by knitting a square (and casting off) then picking up stitches on all four edges, an edge at a time to form the shape of a cube. It was also put to us, as a group, what we wanted out of the classes. We agreed a big project and some smaller ones. We are making a shawl, a big-ish one I think, with lots of different stitches and perhaps techniques for us to learn. Can't wait! Av showed us a book that I now have on my Amazon wish list - Victorian Shawls by Jane Sowerby. I'll try and sort a link later. Av also gave us a pattern for a stuffed heart. She's given the pattern to the group before, before my day. She wanted us to practice colour changes with that. I've not started on it yet. I wanted to do a smaller heart on it, so I need to do a bit of maths and a bit of jiggery pokery.
D showed us a book that she had got for Christmas, that she is thrilled with - Debbie Bliss, A Knitters Year. I can see why she is happy with it. I looked that up on Amazon as well. HK was stood over my shoulder, as I waffled on about the book. He clicked the 'Buy' button for me. Swoon. A real unexpected treat.
I'd like to stay the afternoons at the Thursday Project days and hone my crochet skills, but time away from Mary-Jane and money prohibit this at the moment.
In Brief Now- Fuller Later:
I also need to tell you about the Olympic Cushions - have a look at Woolsack for more info. I also need to take pictures and tell you of the yarn I'm using - scrumptious.
Mary-Jane and I spent some time in the garden as well today - photos on their way.
Ocular Migraine - took all of the next day to properly clear. I had what I call a Residual Migraine - an usual head ache for me, like a really nasty migraine waiting in the wings to be triggered off.
Meeting a Sugarcraft Friend in Workington, for a coffee
I have arranged to take D up on her offer and have arranged to go to hers next week.
My first meeting as WI Secretary
Now I shall go to bed, it's getting late and HK will (rightfully) nag me about going to bed late.
PS - I'm still slogging away with Sereknitty. I miss counted previously how many rows I had to go. The running total is now 78 rows.
PPS - Did I say that I have found a Mother and Toddler Group for Mary-Jane? And a music group?
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