Monday, 26 November 2012

My First Thanksgiving Weekend

Mary-Jane has got another cold.  She has had it for a few days now.  I think it may be breaking, fingers crossed.  Either that or it is taking hold of her and getting worse.  She had a bit of a temp most of the day and a runny nose.  Poor little things.  Her appetite is not too bad.  Yesterday she ate everything in sight, today, not quite as much, but still ate well.  She asked for super-duper-soupie for lunch - soup to everyone else.
On Saturday, we had a Thanksgiving Dinner.  It was my first.  I made pumpkin pie, with the pumpkin that Lee kindly sent me.  When I mixing the pumpkin filling, Mary-Jane wanted to be in the kitchen to help Mommy and put her pinny on.  I gave her the left over pastry to roll out, as she was getting excited about seeing the rolling pin.  She also needed distracting from eating the flour on the table!  I sat her in the chair and helped her to start rolling out, then I carried on with the pumpkin mix.  Grandad came through and began to encourage and help Mary-Jane with the rolling.  It was beautiful.  I watched.  The I was inspired as to what to use the spare pastry for.  I was going to do a fancy edging.  With a little of the pumkpin mix left over, there was only one thing to do - make a small pumpkin pie!  So obvious.  A Momma and Mary-Jane Pumpkin Pie Production!

As Mary-Jane wasn't feeling so clever, I decided not to take her to Calder Bridge Autumn Church Fayre.  I was disappointed that we couldn't go, both MJ and I like to go.  MJ's health comes first.  Granma, Grandad, Auntie Annie and Uncle Ken (no relation) went down.  They did very well on the raffles and tombola.  They bought MJ and I a strip of raffle tickets in our abscence, and this is what we won!  A beautiful and well made hand sewn quilt.  I have put it away for MJ, for time to come.  Someone must have been smiling down on us!

We are having heavy rain and high winds at the moment.  I can hear it over the monitor, rattling on Mary-Jane's window.  Her sleep gets quite disturbed with weather like this.
Mum, Auntie Annie and Uncle Ken are going to Lakeland tomorrow.  I must admit that I am green with envy.  I haven't been to Lakeland for well over 20 years and I would go like a shot.  I am telling myself that it is best that I don't go as I can't really get anything and I would be down in the dumps.  This line of thinking is only partially working!  I'd love to look round and drool over their baking section!  All in the fullness of time.  Lakeland is a good 50+ miles from here.  That might not sound much, but with the geography of the place, you are looking at maybe an hour and a half to get there.  Lots of fells and water between here and there!  I may be on a promise for a duo icing kit though, I'm smiling, I've been wanting one for months!


paula said...

When I was little, Mom would always make Cinnamon Sugar Pie Crust with the left over dough from her piec . . I always found it the best treat in the world . . just rolled out, dabbed with butter and put cinnamon and sugar on top. Then, when it came out of the oven and cooled, she broke it up into pieces my brother an d I could handle . . . still brings my taste buds to attention.

CarpeDyem said...

Now that cinnamon pie crust does sound rather tasty - I shall bear that in mind next time and let you know!