Saturday, 3 November 2012

Catch Up

I have a few weeks to catch up on with you!  It started with me getting an almighty cold/flu symptoms that knocked me off my feet and I ended up spending a few days in bed.  It has taken the rest of the time to about get over it.  Come evening time, I have been too tired to even think about blogging.  I have written down in my trusty notepad, things that I want to tell you about.  I will try to get through most things, although not in order of things happening!  The photos will have to wait till another night, unfortunately.
Knitting - I have finished my cardi.  I am pleased with it and have had a lot of wear out of it already.  I have made a jacket for Mary-Jane in the same yarn.  It is called 'Petite Panache' by Meghan Jones.  I got the pattern from Ravelry.  It is knitted in one go, from the bottom up.  The sleeves are knitted seperately then added at the appropriate time.  The bottom of the jacket has pleats, something that I have never done before.  I have also not used this construction method either.  I reallay enjoyed knitting it.  I have started a shawlette for a friend as a belated birthday present.  I am using a skein of Malabrigo from my stash.  The pattern is 'Holes to make Lace' by Caitlin ffrench.  Again it can be found on Ravelry.  It is the first piece of lace work I have done for a few months.  I haven't had the telly on so I can concentrate and I kinda miss it!
Sugarcraft is going okay.  It has been half term this week, and I am back this Tuesday.  Hopefully we should be putting it all together and starting the next project.
I have been sent a fantastic cake pan by a fantastic person.  Paula sent me a Wilton 3D Skeleton in a Casket pan.  I have made it twice so far.  I have been treated to the correct sized piping nozzles, so it looks kinda groovy!  The first one I did the day the pan arrived, just couldn't resist it.  The second on I did was for a NSPCC Coffee Morning Raffle on Halloween.  It was won by a lady who said she was taking it to a Halloween party that night, so I was pleased with that.  On a similar subject, I have seen two Zombie Cupcake Books, they look good and I may treat myself to them using the Tesco Clubcard Voucher Exchange, so they will in effect cost nothing and I shall have them at half the price - now there is one to work out!!
Mary-Jane isn't very well at the moment.  She was sick quite a few times in the night.  She was almost more scared of actually being sick.  That is a new phenomenon to her.  She definitely didn't like her PJ's getting dirty.  She has been tired today and a bit our of sorts as you can imagine.  She has hardly had anything to eat or drink, may be two glasses of squash and half a glass of milk.  At bed time, she didn't was stories or time on the bed with Mommy, she asked to be taken to bed, the poor little mite.  Since then I have only heard her call out once, for Daddy, in her sleep.  Hopefully she will a good and restful night and be ready to drink and eat tomorrow.
Oh - Auntie Annie aka AuntieAnnInAmerica - I'm back and am counting down to your visit! xxxx

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