Saturday, 13 October 2012

Toffee Apple Pie

On the back of the delivery of the new Baking Heaven magazine, I was inspired, amongst other things, to look to making some American Style Pies.  The first one I have made, indeed the only one so far - and only because I can't make the next pie until this pie is eaten, which will hopefully be tomorrow - is Toffee Apple Pie.  It is a cinch to make, and I still have room for improvement.  It is the first time I have used Filo pastry and Carnation Dulche De Leche.  I recommend it for it's simplicity, it's ease of making (as long as you use bought pastry!), it's looks and taste!

And here is a slice of the delectable pie!  I also want to make the American Style Beetroot Pie and the Mississipi Mud Pie.  I shall neither be slim nor hungry.

I am rather inundated at the moment with all things baking/cakes/cake decorating.  I've got my new Baking Heaven Mag that I told you about, my months subscription to Cake Decorating Magazine arrived Friday, today two books that I ordered also arrived - Annie Rigg's Christmas Cupcakes and Linda Collister's Christmas Treats.  As well as a few library books.  Good job I've got something to eat whilst I have a cuppa and study all these books and things!


Luneray said...

This American has never even heard of beetroot pie. I wonder if it's a regional thing? I assume it's sweet (pies in the US are generally sweet unless it's a pot pie, and that's savory.) I like beets but I don't think of them as a dessert ingredient.

CarpeDyem said...

Read on for more about the Beetroot Pie!

paula said...

You should LOVE the Mississippi Mud Pie.

I have had one of those and it was awesome.