Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The View From Irton Flats

The last Knitting Group of the year was today, at Woodlands.  Remember a month ago, I said I wish I had taken my camera?  I remembered it today.  It was blowing rather strong, so I didn't take as many as I hoped.  They are nearly panoramic views, the first few taken about half to a mile before the second half.  I've looked on the map and Scafell Pike may be among them.  Scafell Pike is the highes point in England.  Great Gable may be in there somewhere, whether you can see it or not, I really can't tell you.

 I'm stood on Irton Flats.  At Irton Church is a ninth century cross.  I've not been yet.  I want to take HK with me, as I know he will be interested.
 This is definitely Muncaster Fell.
 Somewhere between and beyond the farmhouse and Muncaster Fell is the Eskdale Valley.
 Muncaster Fell, with running sheep
 One of the nearer fells may be Middle Fell.
 The valley just left of centre is Wasdale
Beyond Eskdale, I'm not sure if it's classed as the far end of Eskdale or not, (more things to find out!) is the delightful Wrynose and Hardnott Pass.  There is a Roman Fort in the middle.  This is a very hairy pass, and not to be driven by the faint hearted.  I have not been over it for many years.  I want to, perhaps in the new year.  Some parts of it are 1:2!!!! but in the main, 1:3 and 1:4.  I shall look into this further.  I can't remember at the moment how to turn it into percentages.  I'll just stick with hairy for now.  Very Hairy.  Did I mention, sheer drop on one side in places?

Going back to churches, another church I want to visit is Gosforth Church - St Mary's, which has a 14ft tall Viking Cross.  Another place I want to see, that's only a couple of miles from me.  I drovve past Gosforth to get where I was going today.  Time to get my finger out and get exploring all the wonders on my doorstep.

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