Thursday, 15 December 2011


Tonight I am tired, so I won't be long.  I have spent all afternoon shopping, with M, far longer than what I wanted.  HK is not happy that I was out so long.   I missed Mary-Jane even having her tea and putting her to bed.  However she did awaken around 9pm, so I got in a cuddle.

I have managed to get her a present that I wanted to get her.  This is actually from her Auntie AnnInAmerica.  Grandma has spoiled her rotten with gifts and I have had a few too.  I have all the sweeties to make a Gingerbread House - I even managed to find some Candy Canes, although they are bigger than I originally had in mind.  I shall incorporate them some how!

I have finished my green and white candy cane cloth and started on another Cloverlaine design of a snowman.  This has been slow going until I realised how tired I was and have put it down for the evening.

The winds have dropped here and we had some winter sunshine.  I have written and posted all my Christmas Cards - I do have literally a couple more to send though. 

I'm going to bed now.  My mind is blank, other than thoughts of crawling into bed and lying down!  If I have missed telling you anything from today - I shall tell you tomorrow!! Goodnight xx

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