Thursday, 6 October 2011

Sending September's Itsy Bitsy Swap

The theme of the September swap was 'Kitchen Pot Luck'. I was allocated to make for my dear friend Tavish - Paula. It has been quite a while since I made anything for Paula and I was looking forward to making for her. I started hunting down projects for her and came up with quite a few ideas and even started gearing myself up to try double knitting. The it dawned on me that I had been barking up the wrong tree on my project quest, and that I was doing the kitchen swap and not the bathroom swap. Silly me! Glad I didn't cast anything on.
But everything happens for a reason. I think the reason is that I fell upon the pattern for these hand towels. I think I have come across this pattern before but for whatever reason, my eyes didn't see it. I love this pattern. It is a vintage one and is freely available on good ole ravelry. I love the sheer simplicity and functionality of the towels. Plus I think they look great!
They are mitred squares with a double yarn thickness for the loop. The are knitted in garter and stocking stitch. Beautiful. I am on the second one of a set for myself and have plans to do more. Lots more.
Paula's comment when she got them - P E R F E C T!!!!

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