Friday, 8 July 2011

A Trio of Cupcakes

As you know, after a sojourn, my baking mojo has returned, I'm very happy to say. I spent yesterday afternoon in the kitchen with my Yummy Mummy pinny round my middle. I was baking for a Meeting today.
I was pleased with the results, but will tweak some of the recipes for next time. These are my low fat Blueberry Muffins. That low fat that they are covered (literally) in sugar. Oh, all the recipes are from books, so I can't put them on here, but if you do want them, I can let you 'borrow' them.
These little beauties are the first savoury muffins I have ever made. They are Herb and Smoked Cheese Muffins. They would be nice cut in half with some lovely real butter, perhaps a slice of cheese, or maybe even ham. Mum thinks they may be good with soup, they may well be.
My second attempt at Red Velvet Cupcakes - and my second attempt at using an icing bag, come to think of it! I discovered why my first batch were not as red as what I thought they would be, and beleive it or not, I must have been having a very blonde moment and didn't add enough red food colour. These things happen to the best of us......

This post is dedicated to my good friend Sylvia. I wish we could knit, drink tea (okay I'd get you a coffee) and eat cakes together again soon! And you too, Sally!


paula said...

Is this the same Betty Boo Sylvia? If so, when did you two get together?

One of these days I shall make it to the UK and see all of my friends there.

CarpeDyem said...

No it's a different Sylvia - from my knitting group in Stafford, I'm sure she'd love to meet you though!