Friday, 1 July 2011

Friends Of Chernobyl's Children

I have been to a Fund Raising Event for Friends of Chernobyl's Children. It was held at Cleator Moor Civic Centre. It was an enjoyable evening. The entertaining was done by Geoff Dickens, a singer and guitar player. There was also a raffle of no less than 70 prizes, a tombola, stand up bingo and a Pie & Pea Supper. Oh as well as an auction for two signed rugby shirts, one of Whitehaven and the other was Leeds Rhinos. Monies raised on the evening came to around £2250.
The event was attended by some of Chernobyl's Children. Friends of Chernobyls' Childrens Charter states " To relieve the suffering affected by the radiation explosion from the nuclear plant at Chernobyl".
The following information is what I have taken from their charter leaflet:-
Provide family placements for children/orphans from the Mogilev region for at least one month each year and to meet the full costs of these visits, which include optical, dental and health checks as well as lots of tender loving care by extensive fund raising the FOCC can meet the full costs of all the visits without additional contribution from the host families.
On 26th April 1986, the No 4 reactor at Chernobyl nuclear power station in the northern Ukraine overheated, exploded then went into meltdown. The worlds worst nuclear accident released 190 tons of highly radioactive waste material into the atmosphere, exposing the people of Chernobyl to radioactivity 90 times greater than that of The Horishima Atomic Bomb. Of the radiation that was released over 70% fell onto the population of Belarus, resulting in 800,000 children in Belarus and 380,000 in the Ukraine being at a high risk of contracting cancer and leukaemia. It will be another 24,000 years before the land is safe and the children no longer suffer.
Since then, the charity, FOCC, has helped over 1,000 children, who are at risk, bring children form Belarus to United Kingdom, for a months holiday every year. The charity targets children from orphanages or disadvantaged homes, aged between six and thirteen. These children are in great need and come from social situations that make it difficult for them to get the care they require at home.
Very sobering thoughts. But some positive ones.

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