Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The garden is growing

We managed to spend some time out in the garden on Sunday. It wasn't the warmest of days, but the few hours spent our there was much needed!

This is the lettuce for the Chooks, growing in the potting shed. I'm not sure what sort of lettuce it it, it has a slight peppery taste, might be all year round lettuce. Also a few tomato plants lurking in there as well! The Rhubarb! The first crop of the season. After this I pulled most of it, half of it has now been made into jam, the rest may be a crumble by the end of the day......
Onions. The first time we have grown onions, so far so good!
Some of the Early tatties, seeming to do well. 13 out of 15 plants had come through when we looked last evening.
More lettuce. It's growing opposite the Chicken Run, and by gum, it drives the girls nuts
being able to see it and not eat it!


Luneray said...

Rhubarb jam? Never heard of it, but I'm sure it's absolutely delicious.

CarpeDyem said...

Oooooooh try it! Yummy scrummy in your tummy!