Friday, 11 September 2009


The Sock bug has moved a little closer to me........ I am considering making (and completing!) my second pair of socks. It won't strictly be the second pair that I have cast on.... I think the sock scorecard looks like this:

Completed - 1 pair
Cast on/WIP - 2
Frogged - 1

My thing now is....well threefold (it's never easy with me......)

1. Find my needles - I have a lovely set of Knit Pro Harmony (the multi coloured ones) DPN's for socks....... I also have a pair of circular needles, although I think these are engaged with a WIP

2. Decide which yarn to use - how long is that going to take??!!

3. Decide on a pattern

Sounds easy to the uninitiated! Now I don't want a totally Basic Sock Pattern. Basic Sock Pattern (BSP) is a jolly good place to start, but... yes but.... I've made my first pair (and completed) so now I want to go a step up, so lets agree with BSP+1. I think I can manage that. Individually I can do the individual processes that make up a sock, so I want to be a little adventurous and not do it in plain stocking stitch. I think I'm ready for BSP+1.

BSP+1 is a pattern with a little bit of lace or a little bit of cabling.

So help me out with this!! What pattern fits the crietria for BSP+1??!! There are simply tons of patterns on Ravelry and every where else. Any suggestions??!! The yarn will be mulit-coloured rather than a solid colour.....

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