I went on the Sunday with my friend Sally. The drive was no where near as bad or long as what I thought it would be - although I do have to think how much my glasses added to the pleasant-ness and ease of driving.
Once there and in the place, I wasn't sure in which direction to head in! Lucky for me I had Sally with me, who is more methodical and less implusive than me and suggested that we systematically go up and down the aisles, so we know where we have been etc. Such as simple idea and yet I still got distracted and wanted to womble to wherever caught my eye!
There were alpacas there as well as angora rabbits, and two sorts of sheep. Oh and I wanted to take them all home! Well I would've settled for the alpacas! There was lots of Ravelry People walking about as well, everybody trying to casually read everyone elses name badge, just in case they knew them.....
I met my Secret Sister - JustAli on her stall. It's so good to put a real person to a name, parcel and email! Hello JustAli! I also bumped into friends from Stafford Knit Chicks. I think it was one of those events where it was a last minute decision to go, hence no-one really arranging to meet anyone!
I would recommend WonderWool. It has a very casual atmosphere, and the amount of independant traders was refreshing! Plus one of my favourite shops was there - First 4 Yarns - and looked like they were doing a roaring trade!
So what did I come home with (apart from another knitter.......!) These lush yarns were hand painted by Joyce Cook.
This is Cariad - a welsh yarn (again I'll find links) in gorgeous forest berries colourway. Along side are two Brittany Crochet Hooks, that HobbitKeeper asked me to buy.
A big pink ball of Opal Sock yarn that will probably turn into a ?crochet shawl.
Colinette mohair, again I have thoughts for another shawl or wrap....
Couldn't resist these buttons from The Button Lady!
These buttons were from the same place as the hand painted yarns.
As I said earlier, Sally is much more organised in her thinking than I am, which is a good thing! Everything that I picked up, with lustful intentions, looked like Shawl/Wrap yarn to me. Sally very soon clicked on to my train of thought and soon began asking what was going to do with all these shawls.......
In an adjacent hall was another show - a food show for all local welsh foods. Lots of cheese, ciders, wines & whiskeys, bread, jams, chutneys and pickles, as well as fish and other goodies.
Next year I might go for the two days and stay on site. Whatever happens, I shall be going and I thoroughly recommend it!
When did Mr. Hobbit start to crochet?
He hasn't - yet lol! He saw the hooks when we went to the First 4 Yarns shop, took a fancy to them and wanted me too have some.....
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