Finally got the green light to start working with the ageny late yesterday afternoon!! Couldn't believe it and about time too! Got some shifts, but not yet full time but it's a good start. Got to go to the agency ofices later today to collect id, Uniform, pay rates and time sheets. And to generally creep so they know what a wonderful person I am and give me tons of work.......
Toook some yarn to be sold to a friend yesterday. Even got in a tizz about that. In the end, I only took two 100g skeins. Another 500g was still damp, a further 600g had to be put into 100g skeins. My time management needs lots of work. Hopefully now I'm working again then it might give me the nudge to stop spending so much head time worrying and see and do things more clearly!
So I've got a list of jobs to do today. Already I've spent far too much time on the bloody laptop.... just to remind myself, my list of jobs runs like this (not in order of importance!)
Go to Agency
Get Dye
Collect Magazines
Ring re Mortgage and Car
Clean Yard
Check Spoilees details again
Get pic for UK Swap and post details
Write letters - post Saturday
Tidy Back Room
Decide what to put in spoilees parcels
Check Bank Account
Check Mileage to Work Placement
Decide waht to do for *the surprise* can't say what or it will spoil the surprise
Don't think I'll get it all done today, but need to get most of it done.
Crack On Girl!
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