Tuesday, 20 May 2008

References and Knitting

Another day and the bloomin' Agency still haven't got my references, so I'm still not working and the bills ain't gonna be paid this month, so a big 'Cheers' to my referees or to whoever is holding the process up! Although I've got my fingers crossed that someone in particular will come through for me today!

The sooner I start working again the better, I'm starting to crumble round the edges with the worry.

Went to the Knitting Group yesterday. A good morning well spent! I'm making a bag for a 'spoilee' at the moment although I'm convinced it's not the right colour - re-dyeing will resolve that hopefully! Need to sort out patterns for another spoilee, but can't at present say anything more as it may give the game away and ruin the surprise!

Even planning my knitting or doing anything knitting related is becoming erratic and non-focused due to the worry of not earning! Chuffinell!

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