Friday, 5 April 2013

Unsettled Knitting and Getting Better Garlic Bread

Mary-Jane has been a little poorly.  The night before last she awoke around 10pm, we bought her through to our room.  It soom became quite clear that she ahd every intention of spending the night with us.  Luckily she settled off to sleep very quickly and all in all the three of us didn't have too bad a night.  In the morning however, MJ woke up grizzling and quite cranky, she was out of sorts with herself.  This is unlike her.  And she was quite contrary.  I had about finished getting her dressed, after many many cuddles, she was sat on the edge of the bed, then she was sick, the poor little mite.  She seemed to be running a temp as well.  She did seem to perk as the day went on.  She tried her very best to be good and wanted lots and lots of cuddles.  She slept well that night and today  was pretty much back to her normal self, albeit a slight temp.  HK has felt a little off the boil and I have felt more tired than what I feel I should be.  Lets just hope it's a little bug we've picked up that passes after a day or two.
I haven't really been able to settle to much knitting either.  I finished MJ's purple ruffled top on Monday night.  At Kniterati on Tuesday I started a new project, a stripey one piece cardi, knitted from the top down.  I had found a bag of six yarns that were free with a magazine some time ago.  The colours were lovely, spring pastels.  I thought it would make a pretty cardi for Mary-Jane.  Once I started knitting, it was obvious that the yarn wasn't of the best quality.  I continued with it in the evening.  Then it dawned on me that I had not added extras stitches for a buttone band, so I frogged it.  I picked some different yarn - two pale purples left over from my EZ ASJ and one from the ruffled top.  I cast on a EZ TSJ.  Eight ridges in I made the decision that I didn't like the colour combination.  That got frogged.  I then picked out the white with purple fleck that I'd used for the Tango Top, and cast on another EZ TSJ.  I did one row before I was tired and went to bed.
Then this morning I had the bright idea of frogging that and using the pattern that I had originally started with.  It made sense.  I thought the yarn would look better in a smoother stocking stitch than a garter stitch.  I am thinking of doing the body in a light lace.  I've not even thought about what stitch yet until I know how many stitches I have to work with.  With all this unsettledness in my knitting, perhaps I was a little more off the boil than what I previously thought!

I have found a pattern, a Lion Brand one, for a big cabled aran blanket.  It has caught my eye.  I have printed it off an will have a more serious look at it, with needles in hand, when I'm more in the mood to do something like that.

I have also been busy in the kitchen (and I wonder why I feel a bit tired come evening).  I have made another key lime pie.  This time I used ginger nuts for the base and a better quality lime, giving a much tastier pie all round. And I was able to christen one of my new pie dishes.  I have also made two loaves of garlic bread, on different days.  The first one was quite a winner, but the second one was even better.  Initially I used one garlic bulb, roasted with a sprinkle of sugar, salt and oil.  the second time I used two bulbs of garlic.  Very scrummy.  We had the second one for tea tonight with home made macaroni cheese and breaded garlic mushrooms.  Delicious.

The weather continues to try and break into spring.  We have had a couple of not too bad days.  I have even pegged a load of washing out in the garden and it dried within a few hours.  Mary-Jane and I took advantage of this nice weather and went for a walk down Nursery Road.  It was lovely to walk and feel the sun on us.

I have contacted a local (ish) place of work for me, I think I have mentioned this.  They have requested my CV to review.  I have duly sent it off and am now waiting to see if I hear anything of them.

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