Last night I had another rarity - I was taken out for a night out for a pie n pea supper and prize bingo at Wath Brow. I quite enjoyed myself. I didn't win on the Bingo but came exceedingly close to getting a full house - I only had one number to get (12). I was taken out by Uncle Frank and my cousin Ian. I won two prizes on the tombola, one was a box of wine gums - HK was highly delighted!
This is my 3d Santa. It doesn't look toooo bad. I shall be practising this technique, then I shall be off and away with it. You really need to know your icing consisitencies.
I made a quiche today. With the left over pastry, I rolled it out, cut it and dipped the pieces in cinnamon sugar, then sprinkled an extra bit on. I was a bit inspired with the pinwheels - and I think they tasted better. Sadly they have all been eaten now! It is a fab way to use up pastry cut offs. It has also been suggested to me to use a vanilla glaze. They are only half a step away from danish cinnamon swirls and I have a thing for them. A memory of cinnamon swirls has popped into my head - I used to take a lot of danish pastries into work with me when I worked in a cat b (male) prison. I used to get them from the localish tesco on the way into work. I used to get two packets - one of mixed pastries and one of just cinnamon swirls as myself and one other colleague had a thing for the swirls. Funny how the memory works. That was 8/9 years ago. Lots of memories are on their way now. I shall move on.
My ASJ. I finished it a few weeks ago, but have only had the opportunity to have photos taken today. As you can see, I made it a bit on the big side. It's lovely and comfy to wear. Needs buttons. That seems a common factor on my finished garments!
Okay, what is a tombola and what are wine gums?
A tombola is where prizes are given a raffle ticket number, usually ending in either a five or zero. You pay your dues and pull out however many raffle tickets out of a bag, if your ticket ends in a five or zero, then you win that corresponding prize. Wine gums are a jelly type sweet, along the lines of midget gems, somewhere in between jelly babies and american hard gems (I can't remember if they are gems or gums, not chewing gum though). A bit similar to fruit gums.
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