Wednesday, 22 June 2011

First Potatoes of The Season

The first potatoes of the season have been dug up. This is the first one to come to the surface.
Dear HK digging up the spuds. I can't remember what variety we used - I ought to keep a garden journal - but by gum I wish I could remember what they are! They are so tasty! They are creamy and smooth. A delight to eat. We had them boiled with the skins on with a very cheesy quiche that I had made. Beautiful.
HK pulling more of the tatties up. There wasn't as many potatoes per plant as the other varieties that we have grown.
Rhinog over-seeing proceedings, rather watching chickens.
Potatoes being washed in the outside sink that HK rigged up. We are planning to dig some more up .. We got enough for six decent size portions out of 6 plants.

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