Yesterday I had a bit of a baking session. I didn't quite get to making everything I set out to, my ankles and feet weren't up for a marathon baking session. Success ensued, well I have only tried the biscuits (as did everyone else), the bread will be sampled in a bit.
Anzac biscuits are not new to me. I thought I had made them many many moons ago. Perhaps not as none of it seemed familiar when I was making them. The recipe will go down in my Tried and Tasted Book. They are just the thing when you fancy something a bit sweet yet a little savoury, and perhaps a little chewy. They didn't last long, I don't think there are many at all left this morning.
They are called Anzac Biscuits after, as propbably many of you will know, Austrailia and New Zealand Army Corp. They were created and sold on behalf of ANZAC troops serving in Gallipoli, with the British in WWI. The biscuit remains as a popular and potent symbol of the ANZAC's bravery and loyalty. Recipe below.
I also made some Soda Bread. This was a lot simpler than what I thought it would be. I have a small mental block with hand made bread (which I must overcome). I can quite understand why this bread was a daily made bread. With no yeast, and hence no proving, it takes no time at all to prepare and get in the oven. I would like to try Soda Farls (they are gorgeous toasted, served with egg), saying that, I've yet to find a recipe for them!
ANZAC Biscuits
Makes about 20
3 1/2 oz Butter
1 tbs Golden Syrup
1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
3.5 oz Castor Sugar
3 oz Porridge Oats
3 oz Desiccated Coconut
3.5 oz Plain Flour
Preheat Oven to Gas 4/180C/350F. Line baking sheets with non stick parchment. Heat the butter in a small pan, add the syrup, stir to combine. In a cup add 2 tbs of boiling water to the bicarb of Soda, then tip the mixture into the butter and syrup.
Combine sugar, oats, coconut and flour in a large bowl. Add butter mixture and stir together. Drop desertspoons of the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving plenty of room in between. Bake for 8-10 minutes until well risen and golden. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Soda Bread
6 oz plain white flour
6 oz wholemeal self raising flour
1/2 tsp bicarb of soda
1/2 tsp salt
284 ml carton of buttermilk or
300ml/1/2 pint plain yoghurt
Preheat oven to gm6/200c/400f. Put the two flours, bicarb of soda and salt into a large bowl and combine well using a balloon whisk. Make a well in the centre and add the plain yoghurt or buttermilk. Stir with a large spoon to combine then use hands to form a ball. Knead the dough until smooth.
Shape the dough into a ball and put onto floured baking sheet. Cut a deep cross into the middle of the loaf (this allows air into the loaf as it cooks). Dust with flour and cook for 30-35 minutes, untill the loaf sounds hollow when you tap it underneath. Cool on a wire rack before eating.