Monday, 15 March 2010

First Planting

Whilst lying in bed Sunday morning, I was starting to be a bit more positive. HobbitKeeper announced that he and Nogs were going for a walk around the block. I decided to get out of my pit and to go with them. So we went for a walk round the block at 8am. It was a lovely morning and very few people were out. I'd not got half way and was sounding like an old puffing billy, but carried on. I have now developed the Mum-To-Be gait, sort of wobbling side to side with each step, you'll know exactly what I mean!

By the time we got back, I was very pleased that I'd had the walk and kinda felt better for it. After that I helped HobbitKeeper in the garden doing some fo the first seed planting of the season. I was hoping still that the fresh air would help me feel better - I am trying to make a concerted effort to feel better. I'm fed up with being off the hooks. It's not all doom and gloom. I am starting to feel better but an seriously lacking in energy and voice!

The first lot of seeds we planted was All Year Round Lettuce, mainly for the Chooks. They love em and lettuce doesnt last long with them!
We then planted some garlic. This is the first time we have grown garlic. HobbitKeeper eats that much garlic that he could never ever be a vampire!! This Is HK planting the garlic, overlooked by a meerkat......

The rhubarb patch. Not a sign of a shoot yet, but I don't think it will be long. HK has put straw on the bed. Last year we planted two new plants which did very well. The other plant is a very old one, that was transplanted from the old garden in Chesterfield.

I couldn't talk about spending time in the garden without including a picture of Rhinog! Looking as handsome as ever!

Me, planting the remainder of the garlic. In a very lady-like stance, but believe me, it was the most comfortable for the short time I was planting! I was thankful for HK and the silver birch tree to help me back up again. I'm looking forward to seeing how the garlic goes on.
This is going to be an extra special year in the garden - I will be growing and blooming along with everything else! Very Exciting, can't wait!
As for my energy levels....... Once I got in from the garden, I was shattered, proper shattered. I flopped on the sofa, had a rest for a while and felt a bit better. By 1.30 I had to wave the white flag and go to bed for a nap, for an hour or so. Never mind. Getting there. 19 Weeks today!


paula said...

I always LOVE your gardening posts . . . makes me want to become a domestic goddess, but alas, I know my limitations . .just a Love Goddess . . . LOLOL

Gene has planted mixed greens and spinach and is planning on doing it again this year. That is the extent of our food garden . . our neighbor keeps us in tomatoes, green peppers and cucumbers so that pretty much keeps us full for the summer.

Take care of that Spud.

By the way, have you ever heard of Green Giant vegetables?

CarpeDyem said...

I've heard of Green Giant Sweetcorn?! HK has planted some tomato and cucumber seeds, so far the tomato seeds have come up. Watch this space!