Friday, 6 November 2009

UFO's Out-Number FO's

Okay, so yet again I've not posted for a bit. Been a bit busy, you see! It's that four letter word, the necessary evil - work!!

However the needles have still been whirring, although at a slower pace lately as I've been too pooped to knit at every opportunity........

Finished objects include - no photos yet..... - a skull hat for HobbitKeeper, done in time for Halloween, a green and black scarf (my first foray with Katia yarns), a neck thingy, not quite a warmer, just a decorative thing, hhmm what else.... I know! The very first Peaches and Creme project!!

How could I forget that! It is a bath mat, I used double thickness of Winterberry with either mauve or williamsberg blue. It's a good size, it was probably the size that put me off completing it. However, I've put it in the bedroom for now as it just doesn't go with the other bath mats....... I am tempted to do some more, but am also considering crocheting. Reasons being that crochet is soooo much quicker, I should use less yarn, and using a single yarn it may be thicker than knitting. It's not on the top of my list at the moment......

Unfinished objects, always plenty..... another skull hat, must be finished today to give to a friend at work. Nereides wrap, stolen moments wrap (although I have done another 8 inches or so), batty is knitted but not sewn together, and the Ysolda Teague shawl is still in the bottom of the bag........ OH and another Katia scarf, this time in pink/purple and black and another neck thingy in pink. I think that's it. Well what I confess to that is in my knitting bag, I don't want to even contemplate what is in my knitting room!

I'm also trying to get back into letter writing, I forgot how much I like writing and recieving letters!

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