Sunday, 4 October 2009

Rhubarb and Ginger Cake

I made this Rhubarb and Ginger Cake yesterday and it is absolutely gorgeous!! Much nicer than the Spicy Rhubarb Cake - even though that is good in it's own right! This one comes highly recommended!! Go on, give it a go!!

5oz butter
5oz golden syrup
4oz black treacle
5oz unrefined light brown sugar
2fl oz milk
2 oz crystallised ginger, finely chopped
12oz rhubarb
12oz self raising flour, mixed with
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
1tbs ground ginger
Heat the oven to gm 3.
Grease and line a 2lb baking tin
Melt the butter in a pan with the golden syrup, black treacle and sugar, stir regularly
So it will look a bit like this! Remove from heat
Put all the rest of the ingredients (including the sugar/butter mix) and mix it all together!
Pour mixture into the prepared tin
Cook for an hour and 15 minutes, but check after an hour. This one cooked for 65 minutes. Let the cake cool for a bit before turning out onto a wire rack to cool
Then eat!!!


bubbles said...

Love it all the cowl hat and pudding! Sylvia

bubbles said...
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CarpeDyem said...

Hey hey! HAve a go at making the cake - well worth it! Good to see you back here!