This months 'thing' is 'Crystalise' a slouchy beret type hat. Hats are a novelty to me. But saying that I've made four beanies, okay all from the same pattern! But Crystalise spoke to me. And I had one of the alternative yarns - King Cole Bamboo Cotton, gifted to me from JustAli. In a lovely Lime Green. Lime Green is out of my safety colour box, but this colour I like!
So I gathered my needles, reminding myself along the way that I still must tidy my knitting room and at least put my needles away after using them, especially DPN's as not having a full set is so annoying when you want to use them........
I sat down to start. The pattern is quite straight forward. And that is where I started going wrong. I became too complacent...... I wasn't quite paying enough attention as it was too simple..... mistakes started happening......... I frogged four rows - no I tinked four rows..... and carried on.
I finally finished the main stitch pattern, with only two minor mistakes which weren't too obvious. It was time to start the crown and change to DPN's.
Oh dear! I dropped stitches off the DPN's, not something I do. I sort of hashed them and got them back on the needles, as the naughty stitches had not only fell off the needles but had gone down a row or two......
Nine rounds later, with growing discomfort and The Frog Chorus becoming louder in my head, I looked at what I had done. On one needle the pattern had followed through lovely, very nice! With intrepidation, I looked at what was on the other needles...... to my sinking un-amazement there was a different sort of pattern......
There was only one thing for it........... ribbit ribbit ribbit went the hat and The Frog Chorus was silenced.
I started again last night, from the ribbing. I'm crossing off each row as it's done. I'm Paying Attention, reviewing stitches and giving a big sigh of relief when I get to the end of the row with the correct number of stitches.
So this is Crystalise #2. It's well worth doing and the pattern is pretty.
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