Friday, 17 July 2009

Friends That Swap - Cloth Round Robin #1

I took part in the Friends That Swap Cloth Round Robin #1. A Round Robin is where the person who starts the RR makes (in this instance) 4 cloths and sends them to the next person. The next person then takes however many she wants out of the four and then replaces the same amount and sends it to the next person on the list. So on and so forth. The last person sends to the first person and the circle is complete!

This particular RR has been all over the States then found its way to me. This is what I sent back. The design is called Turtle Tracks. I think it is available on Ravelry and I can't thing for the life of me the name of the designer, but when I so I shall give full credit. I knitted it Peaches n Creme - Winterberry.
This is the other cloth I put in the RR. It is designed by Maile Mauch, design named 'Double Delight'. It is available on Ravelry and Cloth of the Week on Yahoo groups. I knitted it up in Peaches n Creme - Mauve.

These are the two that I took - both crocheted! I had a difficult time deciding which cloths to have, they were all lovely!
I'm also waiting for my first Tribbles RR to swim its way to this space!

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