Thursday, 16 April 2009


Tavish often sends me potholders that she has crocheted. I can only crochet basic stitches, although as a child I learnt to crochet lace - fine and intricate. All that is locked somewhere in the deeper rescesses of my mind! Looking at Tavishes potholders and coasters, I decided to have a go.

I started a couple of weeks ago with a coaster. The first attempt came out saddle shaped. The second one was flat but needed much tweeking and closer attention being paid to the amount of stitches and where they were placed. The third coaster was more successful. The picot edge was not quite evenly spaced, especially where I ran out of yarn with only two 'picots' to do!

So after recieving and being inspired by Tavish's Informal Spring Parcel, I thought I'd have another go at crochet. This is the inspirational Spring Potholder. Next to it is my first square.
Ta-da! This is my finished potholder, holding it's own flanked by Tavish's Spring Potholders. Just to the right is KnittyWittyCarina's potholder and to the left is a fish - one of the first things that Tavish sent to me.
A close up of my first Crochet Potholder! Thanks so much to Tavish for her potholders and for inspiring me to take up my hook!


paula said...

BEAUTIFUL job. Momma's proud of her little crocheter :o}

CarpeDyem said...

Thank you! That means so much!! I had a nother go at crochet over the weekend, doing a shell motif, which turned out ok, but I think the hook was too big...... so I frogged it..... knowing I could do it again!